1. Ibidem,p. 213-216. [Back]

  2. Mosaic,op. cit. [Back]

  3. Al.Dorozynski, Les savants veulent s'occuper des hommes, inScience et Vie, 1976, avril, p. 26. [Back]

  4. Mosaic,(NSF), op. cit. p. 38. [Back]

  5. Ibidem,p. 38-39. [Back]

  6. Ibidem,p. 10. [Back]

  7. Ibidem,p. 10, according to James Old. [Back]

  8. Ibidem,p. 23-25. [Back]

  9. Ibidem,p. 23. [Back]

  10. Ibidem,p. 31-32. [Back]

  11. StevenRose, op. cit. p. 210. [Back]

  12. Ibidem,p. 211. [Back]

  13. Prof. Jean-Pierre Changeux, Le Monde, 21 January 1976, p. 17-18; Idem, Les communications cellulaires, in Science et Avenir, 1976, mars, p. 246-265. [Back]

  14. Idem, Les communications cellulaires, p. 264. [Back]

  15. Ibidem,p. 265. [Back]

  16. StevenRose, op. cit., p. 212-220. [Back]

  17. Ibidem,p. 213. [Back]

  18. Mosaic (NSF), op. cit., p. 32. [Back]

  19. RodolfoLlinas, op. cit. [Back]

  20. AndrzejTrezbski, Comment travaille le cerveau, in Perspectives polonaises, 17 (1974), No 4, p. 17-27; I. Kornorski, Integrative activity of the brain, University of Chicago Press, 1967. [Back]

  21. I. Konorski,op. cit. p. 26. [Back]

  22. A.Kreindler and V. Popescu, The brain and mental activity (inRomanian), Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucharest, 1976, p. 238-246. [Back]

  23. CharlesT. Tart, Preliminary notes on the nature of PSI processes,R. Ornstein (Ed), The nature of human consciousness, Freeman and Co, San Francisco, 1973, p. 468-492; R. Tischner, Introduction a la parapsychologie (traduit de l'angais), Paris, Payot,1973. [Back]

  24. CharlesT. Tart, op. cit. p. 468. [Back]

  25. S. G. Soal and Frederik Bateman, Modern experiments in telepathy, Yale University Press, USA, 1962. [Back]

  26. B.B. Kajinskii, Biologhiceskaia radioszviazi, Academii NaukaUkraini, Kiev, 1962. [Back]

  27. Charles T.Tart, op. cit., p. 491, citing the works of A. Pubarich, Beyond telepathy, Doubleplay, New York, 1962; L.Vasiliev, Experiments in mental suggestion, Hampshire, UK, 1963. [Back]

  28. B. B. Kajinskii,op. cit., p. 1. [Back]

  29. CharlesT.Tart, op. cit., p. 491. [Back]

  30. Ibidem,p. 468. [Back]

  31. Ibidem,p. 469. [Back]

  32. Ibidem,p. 471. [Back]

  33. Ibidem,p. 473. [Back]

  34. Ibidem. [Back]

  35. Ibidem,p. 472-473. [Back]

  36. Ibidem,p. 488. [Back]

  37. Ibidem,p. 492. [Back]

  38. LawrenceLe Shan, Toward a general theory of the paranormal, VikingPress, 1973; Idem, What is important about the paranormal, inR. Ornstein (Ed), The nature of human consciousness, FreemanCo., San Francisco, 1973, p. 465. [Back]

  39. CarlG. Jung, Synchronicity: a causal connecting principle, in W. Pauliand G. C. Jung, The interpretation of nature and the psyche,Bolingen Foundation, 1955. [Back]

  40. Ibidem,p. 455; figure done with the help of W. Pauli. [Back]

  41. RemyChauvin, La parapsychologie: apres le contre, le pour, and thereply of Marcel Blanc in La Recherche, 1976, juillet-aout, p. 659-660. [Back]

  42. CharlesT. Tart, op. cit., p. 486. [Back]

  43. Ibidem,p. 483. [Back]

Biology and Psychology in Relation with Awareness 73