Heisenberg finds a precedent in the influence of the subject on object description in Gibbs' statistical thermodynamics (p. 131, 284, 290). Heisenberg is no doubt right when stating that we should reflect more on the ideas advanced by Gibbs, who understood that the subject cannot describe a gas by the mere application of Newton's mechanical principles to all gas particles. Even if he could, it would not be worth doing it in respect of the subject, because the subject is a macroscopic body that can continuate the immediate reality. Gibbs considers an observation state (p. 290), and shows that the concept of temperature is immediately connected to the incompleteness of knowledge and to the need to draw conclusions from this incomplete knowledge (p. 131-132). Let us observe that such a treatment, including the probabilistic and statistical interpretation of quantum phenomena, is both an object-subject relation and, finally, an objective relation amongst various levels of the material reality. Given that a certain objectivity permeates the subject, the property of the subject to continuate reality develops at material level by a specific physical process, based on a new form of material field - the mental field - which is assumed to be of the order of an informaterial substance.
The complementarity principle which admits the wave-particle dualism, so as to attain a unified understanding of the wave and quantum logics, reflects an unsatisfactory condition of contemporary science, despite the connection established by Heisenberg with the uncertainty principle. Complementarity cannot be denied because it is experimentally validated, but it is sure to conceive a more complex truth and so it can lead us to the profundities of the material world. Neither the wave nor the quantum are ultimate realities with Heisenberg. The question is not to rule out complementarity from its seat, where it can be observed. Instead, we have to grasp and explain it, and once we have done so, science could be satisfactory.

5. In the ring or cycle of the existence, which consists of profundities - the quantum world - the macroscopic world and the subject - and profundities again, the profundities may be outside the space-time relation and have their seat in Orthoexistence, as results from the exertions of quantum physics and from the philosophical experiment of the subject. However, the subject, the human being and his possible informaterial relation to the orthoexistence are not that clear. Referring to Heisenberg's view, it is sufficient to say that there is no abstract mathematical idea in orthoexistence to be the fundamental of the world. A basic information is however inscribed into the informatter in orthoexistence. So the fundamental of the world is in a way an informational structure.
The properties of the subject appear to be essential in these informational determinations. However, we shall not deal now with the part of the cycle connecting the subject to orthoexistence via the informatter. We shall assume the informational structure in informatter as given, without defining its character here. We shall only say that it can be partly mathematical and partly in a static state, more likely correlated as form with the mental state of the subject. The subject is here understood rather as the society of subjects which could act informationally and, if possible, new material devices under social control which could act in the same way.
The profound "energy" in orthoexistence, which has been referred to as energymatter, can receive, and combine with, the informatter bearing informational structures. It is in this way alone that it can turn into space, substance or particles. Assuming that space, actually space quanta, originate in energymatter and informatter proves that the energymatter is not the energy as known today. Within the space quantum there is no space. The minimum size in our universe, determined by the space quantum, is most likely a universal constant. Within this space quantum, instead of space,we find fundamental principles, i.e. energymatter and informatter.Energymatter and the informationally structured informatter are likewise to be found in any elementary particle.
There is no basic distinction between the internal structure of the elementary particle and that of the space quantum. Space becomes continuous in relation to the subject, because the subject interprets the space with the aid of the integrating activity of the brain in which the informatter is involved. The continuum is found via the informatter in the depths of the discontinuum and of the quantum. It turns into discontinuum via the quantum world and reverts to the continuum via the subject, which is understood as a material device.
In the general theory of relativity, the whole universe, with the matter and its gravity fields, reduces to the properties of a geometric space having a non-Euclidean structure. There is a fundamental relation between space and the material substance. This relation indicates that they are generated from a common source.
How are we to understand the disappearance and the emergence of a particle ? Thus, for instance, what is actually going on in the electron-positron interaction ? We know that these two particles cancel each other and generate photons. The change of these particles into others equally means in our view a change in their inner informational structure. The electric charge could be related to such an informational structure, and its disappearance means the replacement of this structure by another. During the electron-positron interaction, the energymatter-informatter connection is somewhat shattered. However, in compliance with this interaction, the result is just the replacement of one informational archetype by another.

There must however exist a time interval during which there exists no electron, no positron or light quanta. This is the interaction time. However, what does this time mean and what goes on within its span ? Within it, time must no longer exist (provided the particles are really elementary) for the change operations for informational archetypes develop in orthoexistence, therefore apart from space and time. However, this time in the interaction interval might become meaningful if space quanta could be generated during the intermediate stage between electron-positron and the light quanta. The existence of space quanta in time quanta would account for a somewhat deeper space-time connection, as it is observed to be reflected in the continuum with which the theory of relativity works.
Any continuum in the space-time world appears thus as a discontinuum integration, admitted by a dimensionless continuum like the informatter of the subject. This explains why we can imagine dimensionless forms in the informatter, for space is alien to orthoexistence. The informatter itself is most likely familiar with states like the psychological continuum, which is likewise dimensionless.
This aspect of the informatter explains Plato's illuminated intuition and Heisenberg's conviction that Plato was at least partially right. However, with both Plato and Heisenberg, these structures have no support; they are pure ideas, abstract forms with their own lives, without any explanation. The author's view is that these structures are inscribed into one of the prime material substance of the world and that this substance may likewise account for the integrating activity of the central nervous system in man and in animal, i.e. the geometrical, temporal and psychological continuating activity.

What Physics, Informationand the Living have in Common 27