Introducing ELE

The primary goal of ELE is to prepare the European Language Equality Programme, in the form of a strategic research, innovation and implementation agenda as well as a roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030.

Period: January 2021 to June 2022


January 2021 to June 2022


Horizon 2020 - PPPA-LANGEQ-2020


The primary goal of ELE is to prepare the European Language Equality Programme, in the form of a strategic research, innovation and implementation agenda as well as a roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030. The Consortium aims to address and solve the crucial topic of digital language equality by: creating more public visibility – for the topic, for the consortium, and for the LT community; strengthening the European Language Grid, as well as the relationship with the European AI community, and helping to establish LT and language-centric AI in the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programme.

The project is coordinated by ADAPT Centre (Dublin City University) and comprises five core partners (DCU, DFKI Berlin, Charles University Prague, ILSP Athens, and the University of the Basque Country, Donostia), Language Technology Expertise from 9 networks, associations and initiatives, 9 companies and 30 research organisations. Together this consortium of 53 partners from all over Europe will drive the strategic research,innovation and deployment agenda to achieve digital language equality in Europe by 2030.

Consortium Partners

LT Innovate (via Crosslang), EFNIL, ELEN, ECSPM, CLARIN, CLAIRE (via University of Leiden), NEM (via Eurescom), LIBER, Wikimedia, Tilde, ELDA, Expert System, Sail Labs, Kantan MT (via Xcelerator MT), Pangeanic, Semantic Web Company Vienna, Ontotext, Bulgaria,(via Sirma AI), SAP, University of Vienna, University of Antwerp, Institute for Bulgarian Language, University of Zagreb, University of Copenhagen, University of Tartu, University of Helsinki, CNRS Paris, Research Institute for Linguistics Hungary, Institute for Icelandic Studies, FBK Trento Italy, University of Latvia, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Luxembourg Institute of Technology, University of Malta, University of Utrecht, Language Council of Norway, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Romanian Academy, University of Cyprus, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, University of Zurich, University of Sheffield, University of Vigo, Bangor University, and University of Belgrade


  • Dr. Dan Tufiș
  • Dr. Vasile Păiș (ICIA Principal Investigator)
  • Dr. Verginica Barbu Mititelu
  • Dr. Radu Ion
  • Dr. Elena Irimia
  • Dr. Maria Mitrofan
  • Eric Curea