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  9. V. L. Ginsburg,Sur la physique et l'astrophysique, Moscow, Edition Mir, 1976,pp. 55-57. [Back]

  10. V. L. Ginsburg,op. cit., p. 53. [Back]

  11. GloriaB. Lubkin, Will supergravity unify quantum theory with general relativity ?, in Physics Today, 30 (1977) June, pp. 17-19. [Back]

  12. I. M. Levitt,Beyond the known universe, Viking Press, New York, 1974. [Back]

  13. I. M. Levitt,op. cit. ,p. 80 and 123. [Back]

  14. V. L. Ginsburg,op. cit, p. 83. [Back]

  15. Leon Brillouin,Relativity reexamined, Academic Press, New York, 1970, Ch. 4,para. 1. [Back]

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