In reality (as already shown) we have to say:
F. There is no closed system.

G. The material world, as seen from the Universe, also looks like an intro-open system.

H. The material world can be observed only from an universe.

I. The material world can be consciously acted upon perhaps only from an universe.

The essential part in our world isconstituted by the Universe raised at the rank of consciousness. The depth of the world, that of informatter and of energymatter, cannot have reason, cannot create models, cannot be conscious, cannot have knowledge. It is true that we had to give informatter certain properties providing ourselves with a deep landmark, thus explaining the qualities unexplainable through today's forms of material existence. However this raises the question of a Physics and a Mathematics of the intro-openness, to determine the relationship between structured and unstructured, to study their interdependence, towards a future power of acting in the unstructured zone.

4. The importance of the notion of intro-open system is that it allows for the rational tackling of certain phenomena that until now have not made the object of science. One has to see to what extend and between what limits the intro-open systems can be fitted within todays systems theory which in principle is a theory of open systems. Reducing the intro-openness to an openness could be, in theory, a first approximation that could explain certain behaviors of the man-society-universe systems; however, in the long run, one should reach higher approximations dealing with the foundation of the problem, i.e. the relationship between unstructured and structured.
The open system implies having some information about what is to be found outside the system, about the structures outside it. The intro-openness of the system leads us towards an unstructured zone, an exchange zone in which certain informational events can take place, without excluding the possibility of certain psychological processes too. The informatter is seen as a form of material existence: when structured, it is attached to the Universe; and when unstructured, it determines the intro-openness. Then one should constitute a science of information for all the levels of the material world. The information, though widely used as a concept, does not come into the description of a large number of the processes we currently consider. The problem of real structures and of the system cannot be separated from the notion of information. Without information no structuring is possible, not the birth of quantum world, nor of macroscopic world, of man, of society, of Universe. It is no exaggeration to look for the informational aspect in all the manifestations that surround us, including the nature of the forces in the Universe18 and in society19. The set, as an abstract notion, is a mathematical object, but it needs a subject to bear this notion; for the subject the set is a piece of information. Can we detach the notion of "set" from the nature of our mental process of abstractization ? Obviously not, due to the very paradoxes to which set theory arrives and which are reflecting the particularities of human knowledge. Any set supposes an observer, a man. While the paradoxes of the set theory (and other similar ones) can become the object of a true new philosophical experiment implying the whole human reality.
Since the model of the existence is imagined as a ring, or a multitude of rings, does it then mean that the existence, without being systematical, has a cybernetic characteristic?

The notion of cybernetics refers to the process of leadership,with its decisions and feed-back loops. But in no case can we put up the problem of leadership in the existence. It takes place by itself. But it takes place in cycles, an universe being only a link in a cycle. There is no consciousness, no leadership, to supervise these cycles. The universe is not a control loop, but it can determine an act of will and creation thus structuring the informatter in a way to give birth to a new universe, to a new essential experiment, even by its own disappearance. The consciousness of a universe like ours represents in itself the consciousness of the existence. It takes place in the time of a universe. While us, the vanishing elements, are at the same time everlasting since we are part of the existence. And if the individual consciousness is to disappear, and the social one too, then they can contribute via the construction and the overcoming of nature, via creation, to the most powerful form of manifestation of the existence itself. The ring of the existence is full of poetry and of prose, of absurd and of logic.

5. The model proposed in this book is in close connection with the relationship between man and automaton. Then the very sharp question arises of following the automaton within the man, and we should prove that in all the brain activities, in behavior and in spiritual life he remains an automaton. Thus we have to try to embed as much as possible of the man in the automaton, to see were we have difficulties following this embedment and how could we overcome them.
The most advanced artificial automata known today are the electronic computers. The automaton20 is a discrete dynamic system, meaning a system with discrete states, changing from one state to the other at a certain pace, t1, t2,... given from outside or depending on the functioning of the system itself. There are non-autonomous automata, where the state of the system changes only at certain commands (signals) arriving from outside. A communication line can be interpreted as such an automaton. The automata with autonomy, or internal freedoms, have their internal states changing by themselves. All the automata that we meet in practice or that we deal with at practical level, including the nervous system considered as a neuronic machine, are systems with a finite number of states.The systems with finite states21, currently known as finite automata, are not only some physical structures like the electronic computer and the nervous systems, but also computer programs, algorithms, and even formal logics22. Hao Wang proved23 using the electronic computer the nearly 400 theorems of the restricted predicated logics of Principia mathematica24. Wang's experiment proved that it is possible to automatically establish all the theorems of a logics manual. One should make a difference between numerical calculations that use approximations and proofs that use propositions. The formalization of logics, and mathematical logics in itself, suggest according to Wang that "the time has come for a new branch of applied logics, called <inferential analysis> to appear and to treat proofs in the same way numerical analysis treats calculus"25. Mechanized mathematics, in fact automated, raises the computer-automaton to a level similar to the human mind, or it brings the latter to the level of the automaton. In certain circumstances a proof may require such a large number of steps that it becomes impossible for the man to do it. This is what Wang calls a "deep" theorem: a short formula that requires long demonstrations is a deep theorem. A short expression that is equivalent to some very long other expressions is a "rich" concept26. The newspapers told us that by using 12,000 computer hours one proved the four-color theorem. Practical experience taught us that four colors are sufficient to do a map, but mathematics could only prove down to five colors due to the large amount of logical procedures to be performed. K. Appel, W. Haken et. al. of Illinois University managed to make a program to prove the theorem using an electronic computer. Checking this proof, assuming that it is valid, needs doing it again on a different computer, with a new version of the program, since it is not possible to check it using human means. We see that the social checking of the truth requires new methods that imply an automaton (the first program) checking an other automaton (the alternative program).

In the end one should look for an automated variant of the whole mathematics (and with all that can be potentially abstracted from this) which does not appear as an extremely difficult task for the existent mathematical background of the human intellect. A mathematical branch can nowadays be derived from another, the geometry is itself reduced to algebra and logics. With certain starting points, giving certain logics of the machine, one can demonstrate an extensive mathematics:

"The natural and the real numbers theories can be derived from set theory. If the theorems are mechanically generated from set theory, then any set of isomorphic theorems with the axioms of the real (or natural) numbers, will determine expressions that can be taken as definitions for the basic concepts of the real (or natural) numbers theory. In such a case one can state that the machine can discover definitions"27

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