The logical closure of mathematics has so far not been possible, tough it has been looked for by a large number of mathematicians, starting with those of the school of logics (Leibnitz, De Morgan, Boole, Frege, Russell, Whitehead) and continuing with those of the school of formalism (Hilbert, von Neumann, etc.)8. The problem of the logical closure of mathematics is known as the problem of consistence of formal systems. The school of formalism equals logics with mathematics. They proved that the problem of consistence regarding the great chapters of mathematics can be reduced to that of the consistence of the natural numbers arithmetic, which in turn can be put in correspondence with the set theory. But in 1931 Kurt Goedel9 proved the impossibility of the complete consistency of the natural numbers arithmetic (Goedel's incompleteness theorem), thus questioning the logical consistence of the whole mathematics, i.e. of its logical closure. We prefer to talk of logical closure rather than of consistence, since the normal state of the mathematical systems is of being without logical closure (Fig. 34), which does not mean, from our point of view that they are inconsistent. Goedel's theorem has a fundamental role in human thinking of which we may not be yet aware: "Goedel's results brought a mortal blow to the comprehensive axiomatization" said Morris Kline10. He also notes that all the results that appeared after Goedel's work did not contribute in the least to changing the situation. Hence, according to Morris Kline, mathematics is in a crisis since the "efforts to follow rigorousness to its utter limits ended up into an stalemate regarding which no common opinion has yet be reached of what it means"11.

Fig. 34

I believe that things should be in principle more clear. Accepting Goedel's result, the problems now is to find out what it takes to "complete" the logical openness (Fig. 35). To this purpose let's note the contributions of the mathematical school of intuition starting with Kronecker (~1870), continuing with Poincaré, Brower, Weyl. According to Brower, the mathematical ideas penetrate the human mind before language, logics and experience. The thoughts cannot be completely symbolized, the mathematical ideas are independent of language clothing and much richer, and logics belongs to language. According to Weyl mathematics springs not only from the logical-rational activityof man.

Fig. 35

The results obtained so far in the fundamental domains of mathematics confirm Goedel's theorem12. An important aspect is that a formal logico-mathematical system can be made automatic, i.e. subjected to some automated procedures (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36

Logics assumes a machine-like functioning, the automatization of a succession of operations, and hence it is related to the automaton within man. Cyberneticists view theproblem this way. V. M. Gluscov13, observing that there is no possibility for completing a system of axioms (except some very simple cases) stresses that " this is the important aspect of Goedel's theorem regarding the incompleteness of arithmetics, thus throwing on a different plane the problem of mathematical foundation and of automatization by a complete formalization, and the process of obtaining a new theorem through constructive-deductive theories"14. In a formal system there is always a part that cannot be demonstrated, nor justified using the means of the system. Any formal system, provided it is uncontradictory, is necessary incomplete. Since Goedel obtained his results via logico-mathematical procedures, his results extend to all logical systems, including the logico-mathematical ones. If we accept the openness of such a system as a fundamental law, then in the case of mathematics it can be open to mathematical realities outside the logico-mathematical system, that we always have to explore. And if everything that is logico-mathematical can be automatized, and if the human mind has, in various ways, the possibility to close the logic openness then Goedel's theorem reflects a living reality of the human mind and perhaps of the whole world.
John Lucas15 uses Goedel's theorem to conclude that the human mind, in its totalness, cannot be explained as a machine. The only thing that can be stated is that the human mind is not a pure logico-mathematical machine. But nevertheless it could be a machine.
Donald MacKay16 considers the mind a stochastic automaton. Could we complete the deterministic logico-mathematical automaton with a stochastical one to obtain a living creature ? Our considerations so far do not allow us to do such a thing. The way we interpret Goedel's results is that it cannot be an automaton in itself, without openness, whatever succession of logical systems we were to add (Fig. 37) to complete these systems, since it always will be another openness that we have to explore philosophically and scientifically. The closure is not completely unknown in practice. We concretely perform closures via the experimental results (natural sciences), via different ways of thinking and functioning of our mind (for example intuition). And if we go in the depth of our mind towards its mental field and the unstructured informatter, then we ask ourselves how deep is Goedel's openness. Partial closures are possible (Fig. 38), but a large intro-openness is always left here.

Fig. 37

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