Bergson's analysis, nevertheless of great
importance, leaves unclear the objective, profound essence of
the duration. Where is duration born ? If not in the microscopical
world, then neither in the combination of atoms, molecules, substances,
hence nor in the nervous system ? In the mental field ? But
this exists in orthoexistence which seems to be characterized
only by some succession phenomena.
Let's recall that space is born from orthoexistence,
probably quantic in microcosms. Space is born due to an
informaterial structure, with specific "genetic" character.
In microcosms space probably has a microscopical detailed, specific,
local structure. The nervous system, at large, using its continuification
properties, creates a macroscopical space, obviously objective
by the very relationship between objective phenomena that determines
it. This macroscopic space remains an objective space between
and by macroscopic bodies, even if subject did not exist.
Duration then would appear like a property
similar to that of continuification, a way of joining together
the succession we perceive, since without duration how could consciousness
and especially creation appear ? Beingness, as an experiment,
appears timeless, but the marking of the symbol of beingness,
and then its confrontation with the act of beingness, as we shall
see in the experiment of consciousness, are successions implying
the intervention of duration as an absolute property, just as
that of continuification.
The unstructured informatter, in contact with
the central nervous system (CNS) bestows the properties of continuification
and duration, as born at the interface between pure informatter
and the CNS assembly. Pure unstructured informatter offers, in
contact with CNS, what we interpret as continuity and duration,
the latter ensuring the continuity of our mental states. Pure
informatter does not know time as long as no structurings, successions
of structurings intervene. But even when successions of structurings
intervene, informatter does not know time,since duration is not
in itself, but is only its effect at the contact with the existence
organized in CNS. For this reason duration has an objective/subjective
character. The macroscopic time is explained by succession and
duration, the duration having a possibility of calibration by
confrontation with certain successions. The microscopic time could
be a local order of successions, i.e. a skeleton. It is possible
that under 10-24
sec.(or under a smaller value) one could no longer speak of time
in seconds, but only of an order time. Then 10-24
sec. necessary a duration of time, but a limit time
with duration. But a space quantum of 10-13
cm., or smaller could very well exist. One notices that certain
differences appear in comparing space and time. When reaching
the depths of the existence these notions seem not to run on parallel
tracks. Our time could have deeper roots when viewed through its
aspect of succession and order of successions. But we cannot exclude
certain subtleties of space in relation with energymatter when
we apply the same principle of the unity of the material world,
of the relationship between orthoexistence and existence as universe.
Obviously there are still many aspects in
the shade. But the fact is that we have at our disposal a mental,
material field that offers continuity and duration, that could
explain our conscious behavior, macroscopical and mental, on a
machine-background made up of quantic elements.
Without duration there would be no consciousness
and conscience, no knowledge and creation, no social life. What
could duration in itself could be ? What if it is still
a subjective effect, though we do not believe so, of a continuificatory
activity applied to the mental states ? Time could also have a
subjective component, of no importance to science, since the subjective
component could only help in desciphering some objective processes.
In any case it is expected that science and philosophy will clarify
various portions of the ring of existence, will specify various
rudiments of space and time from orthoexistence, will determine
the types of space and time appearing along this ring.
The Ring of the Existence