As a form in which matter exists, space is
a manifestation of energymatter and informatter, it is born in
an universe at the same time as the substance and energy. And
since, in the last instance, in Universe we do not have continuous
substance, it is likely that the space is not continuous either.
But space and substance, together, have unity being the same energymatter
transformed through informatter and in this respect they have
a deep continuity, as having the same origin. The space is continuized
by the human mind, and by the animals as well, but this continuization
is not purely subjective, it also reflects an objective property
deriving from a source with continuity characteristics. The continuization
is probably performed by the integrating activity of the brain
by a mental wave which we consider to be informaterial.
Hence Universe derives from two sources, E(energymatter) and
I (informatter), the beings performing a couplingwith the
reservoir I (fig. 11).
Fig. 11
In order that it can structure energymatter
in an universe, informatter should itself be structured. The properties
and the laws of the matter in the Universe have, one can say,
a "genetic code" structured in informatter. Hence Nature's
laws are based on a certain program. But two questions arise.
First, how is, or how can we imagine to be, structured informatter
? Second, how does informatter and enegymatter couple, or how
does informatter writes itself into energymatter in order that
a certain universe and its laws are determined ?
While we imagined energymatter as a form of
pure energy, then for informatter we shall create an image starting
from the informational properties of the human being, from its
integratory activity that we suppose it implies. And we have seen
that this activity entails considering the macrocosms as a continuum,
of continuous shapes and mental states. Informatter can admit
certain structures, certain inscriptions, a specific language.
These could be symbolical forms inscribed in a series of
cells (Fig. 12) but everything must be again squashed to zero spatial
dimension, without each form loosing its individuality and even
its link with the energymatter, determining its diversity and
lawfulness in the Universe. Of course, another question arises.
We have succeeded in imagining a deep zone of the world, with
two foremost substances, but who is to inscribe the symbolic forms
in informatter, who is establishing the logic and the language
of these forms ? No divine will can exist and do this thing, it
is only the selfmovement that can generate certain structural
shapes; and also certain devices in the Universe can perform such
inscribing, through a mental field link, in fact an informaterial
field. Today we may recognize such field around the nervous
systems of the animals, but we do not know how we might be able
to create it in the future, with what kind of devices. Our universe
obeys certain laws, today it possesses an informaterial program,that
was possibly inscribed during an other universal experiment performed
with adequate material devices. At the basis of our universe lies
a given informaterial structure.
Fig. 12
But we should not expect that all the informatter
is structured and awaits new restructurings. It is more like that
part of it remains unstructured (Fig. 13). It is this part
that we imagine to be available for the mental field, fact that
could be of a fundamental importance for the whole understanding
of the world, man and society. It is possible that man itself
is not entirely structure but it has an unstructured material
support. At the interface between man's automaton and informatter
appear the notions of being and consciousness as contact
processes. The given informaterial structure of the Universe is
not conscious, is not alive. What we imagine as mental field
is just the contact process, but we partly depend on the structure
of our organism, ultimately finding its origin in the structured
logics of the informatter; but partly we remain unstructured,
free for invention and creation, individually or socially.
In this way the material world, the Universe
and the Man are not entirely structure, entirely system. The material
world closes (Fig. 13) with an unstructured zone in which, from
man's point of view, ad-hoc structuring phenomena take place,
phenomena of his spiritual life happen, with structuring and unstructuring
taking place. A zone that is unstructured, unordered exists, it
does not obey mathematical laws, and this fact is reflected in
man's spiritual life. This does not mean that man cannot, in
principle, structure within this zone and even introduce the results
of his inventions and imaginations; but we do not yet know how
to do this as we do not know yet many details of the model sketched
in these works. The model in Fig. 13 also shows that a logic
entirely closing onto itself cannot exist. Any logic must have
an opening. Otherwise no creation would be possible since
we would only discover the existing structures of the material
world. A model like that of Fig. 13 is materialistic since it excludes
divinity as an original part of the existence or an idealistic
interpretation but, at the same time it leaves open possibilities
for creation, for establishing social programs of the human beings,
programs originating not only from their organic structures like
with bees and ants but also from what is unstructured and can
result from social habitat. The spirituality does not exist in
itself in orthoexistence but it results from the Universe, from
the Man, in the contact with informatter available in orthoexistence.
The will does not exist in orthoexistence, but at most the informaterial
structure, i.e. a program, could be interpreted as a fixed will
and in this respect it is possible that
did an idealistic reflection of an objective reality.
The Ring of the Existence