On the Author's Ontology

The author's ontology contained in this book and developed in Orthophysics (1985) is aimed togive a unified explanation to the physical, biological, informational, mental and psychological processes by a philosophical model. Byvirtue of this model, the world develops in universes, each universehaving two connections with a deep matter. The first connection emerges upon the birth of the universe. The second comes withthe formation of the living matter, which is intro-open in thedeep matter, and so a Ring of the Existence (RE) takes form.
The scientific effort to find the unityof the physical forces is no doubt the implicit outcome of theideas on the material unity of the world and of the self-consistencyof the matter. Notwithstanding the successful attempt to accountfor the unity of the electromagnetic forces and of the weak forcesby an electroweak force which combines the two of them, the idealunification of the physical forces, even if successful, wouldnot manage to account for information, the mental process or thephenomenon of life. Otherwise stated, irrespective of the progressmade along this line, the material unity of the world will remainunaccounted for. The ideal of the unity of the basic forces isan ideal only with respect to the physical universe, and so theunity of the physical-biological universe (briefly referred toas biological universe), which is more comprehensive than the strictly physical universe as it encompasses also the living, is left open.
The unity of the physical forces wouldbe sufficient if the force or what underlies the force could alsoaccount for the information. Nowadays, we observe that the abstractinformational structures can decide on the action of physicalforces, as happens in the case of intelligent robots. Like processesare already of long history in the human mind. Information isno force, but something else, another form of reality, thoughit is always hosted in the substance, i.e. in the matter. This scientific fact found experimental validation in terms of therecent technological objects produced by the information technologyusing the information science and artificial intelligence. Hadthe human mind been observed (more) like an objective rather thansubjective process, then information should have long been consideredas something different from the natural forces in the universeand as a basic ingredient of the world.
Hence, another basic idea of the modelof the Ring of the Existence is the universality of informationalprocesses. Otherwise stated, information must be inherent to matter.The natural non-living matter is no explicit information-carrier,whereas the non-living matter can be artificially organized soas to include and develop information explicitly (for this reason, sometimes it is herein referred to as intermediary matter). Thebetter organized living matter manipulates and generates information,part of which as mental senses. According to the data furnishedby biology, the ontological generalization of information enforcesthe idea that mental-like senses, i.e. a form of special information,are also at play at lower life levels. This special kind of information,i.e. the phenomenological information, might ultimately be a propertyof the deep matter, given that the living is viewed as intro-openin the deep matter. Then the whole thought on information maybe viewed in a different light. This ontology shows that thismay be the only way to give ontological grounds to the informationnotion qua primary notion in philosophy, then in science.
Can we still view the world through physicsalone ? Obviously we cannot if we refer to the "physics"of the universe (i.e. beyond the physical universe, as the universeappears in terms of life, conscience, society); but we can viewit through physics to a certain extent, if we dwelve into theroots of the universe, into the deep matter, which by appropriatephysical processes generates the phenomenological informationused by the living matter. Additionally, this information is inall likelihood responsible for the laws of the universe themselvesprovided that it is self-channelled in a different way.
Hence, the origins of the unity of thephysical forces in the universe might be of informational nature,i.e. without reducing the forces to information, they are determinedby the deep information.

There exists a deep matter. Thisstatement, which is duly justified in this ontology, is now morecertain in the author's view than it was at the time when thetext was being written. Today, both science and philosophy cansupport such a statement. How the deep matter is like hasthus far been no concern of science, which philosophy can no longeravoid. What appears to be positive as soon as we recognize theexistence of the deep matter is that we can expect it to haveproperties less ordinary with respect to what we know about thematter in the universe, but which should account for the propertiesof the matter in the universe.
By virtue of this philosophy, beneath thequantum world there lies the deep matter which consists of twoprinciples: the informatter, i.e. a matter endowed with informationalproperties of phenomenological type (like the mental senses);the energymatter, i.e. a non-organized matter endowed with energyproperties which can be organized by the informatter. The imagegiven by author for these constituents of the deep matter andtheir properties is not fairly accurate, now that it is pre-matureto make final statements. There might be only one deep matterendowed with two principles - one informational and the otherenergetical - which may or may not interact, as the case may be.There might be indeed two constituents which might or might notcombine, as the case may be. The existence of two principles ishowever decisive. In defect of this, any dialectics of the matterwould be difficult to conceive. Energy alone could not explainthe world, though some philosophers attempted to explain it onenergy bases. On the other side, information alone would not explainthe world. The informatter shows that the question is about atype of deep information in the matter; the energymatter showsthat the question is about a form of deep energy in the matter.

On the Author's Ontologyiii