Prof. Dr. Ștefan TRĂUȘAN-MATU
Cercetător Științific I
About me
- 2005 Fulbright Scholar – postdoc at Drexel University, Philadelphia, US.
- 1994 Ph.D. in Computer Science, from the Department of Computer Science, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania. Thesis subject was Intelligent Reverse Software Engineering.
- 1983 Engineer in Computer Science, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest.
Present position
- Senior researcher 1st grade
- Professor, University Politehnica of Bucharest
- since 2001 Professor at the Computer Science Department, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest;
- since 1994 Principal researcher I, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy . Research in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, training courses in INTERNET.
- 1997-2001 Associate professor at the Computer Science Department, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest.
- 1994 to 1997 Lecturer at the Computer Science Department, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest.
- 1985 to 1994 Research scientist, senior researcher, head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Research Institute for Informatics , Bucharest. Researches in knowledge-based systems, expert systems, automatic programming, constraint programming, software engineering, reverse engineering. Development of an object-oriented environment for knowledge-based systems and of several expert systems for design.
- 1983 to 1985 “Microelectronica” Factory, Bucharest. The main activity here was the development of computational geometry programs for integrated circuits design.circuits design.
Teaching activities (lecturing)
(see also CS-PUB site):- Human-Computer Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Design of Algorithms
- Adaptive and Collaborative Systems
- Corpus design
- Advanced Web Applications
Research Interests
(see also K-Teams Laboratory)- Discourse Analysis and Generation
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning,
- Computers and Music
- Creativity Fostering
- e-Learning
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Semantic Web
- Philosophy
International projects
- RAGE Horizon 2020 project on using serious games for e-learning
- Republic of Letters UE COST Action
- TextLink UE COST Action
- VMT Virtual Math Teams – NSF project
- LTfLL FP7 STREP Language Technology for Long-life Learning
- ERRIC FP7-REGPOT-2010-1/264207
- EU-NCIT – NCIT leading to EU IST excellency – EU FP6 Excelency Centre
- COOPER– STREP UE FP6 project
- VMT – Virtual Math Team – Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning – Fulbright research grant at Drexel University, Philadelphia, US
- K-Teams – Collaboration in Virtual Tems – CNCSIS National Project
- Towntology – UE COST Action C21
- SINTEC – Intelligent and personalizable e-Learning system that considers socio-emotional intelligence – National INFOSOC Program(2003-2004)
- IKF – “Information and Knowledge Fusion”, EU Eureka project 2235 IKF-ROMANIA (2001-2003)
- Head from the Romanian part of the European Commission COPERNICUS project “LARFLAST ” (1998-2001)
- Head from the Romanian part of the European Commission COPERNICUS project “PEKADS” for operationalization of CommonKADS designs (1994-1996)
- BALKANET- IST European project (http://dblab.upatras.gr/) extending Euro-WordNet with several new languagewordnets (Romanian among them)
- Mac-PAIL project. PAIL project, funded by “Dalle Molle” Swiss organization, product which won an annual prize in Switzerland
- Head of many national research projects and grants
- Participated to the development of the XRL object-oriented environment for knowledge-based systems
- Developed several expert systems, mainly for design (e.g. civil engineering design)
Organized events
- K-Teams Second International Workshop, 26-27 August 2013, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
- Workshop on Design and Spontaneity in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (DS-CSCL), in conjunction with CSCS19, 19-21 May 2013, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- The 3-rd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (2012)
- K-Teams First International Workshop (2011)
- Eigth Romanian Human-Computer Conference (RoCHI 2011)
- NLPSL 2010 Workshop
- First Romanian Human-Computer Conference (RoCHI 2004)
- Workshop on Collaboration in Virtual Teams on the Web
- Workshop on Virtual Environments
Surface mail Casa Academiei 13, Calea 13 Septembrie Bucharest – 050711, Romania
Fax: + 40 21 3188142
e-mail: trausan AT racai DOT ro
stefan.trausan AT cs DOT pub DOT ro
trausan AT gmail DOT com