Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligență Artificială "Mihai Drăgănescu", Academia Română

Colocviile Mihai Drăgănescu

About Acad. Mihai Drăgănescu

Universitary professor at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania, for more than 40 years, academician, and former president of the Romanian Academy (1990-1994), Mihai Draganescu is known in Romania for his works and activities in the domains of electronics, informatics and of philosophy of science. Prof. Mihai Draganescu was a member of the Presidium of the Romanian Academy, President of the Section for the Science and Technology of Information and Honorary President of the Forum for the Information Society of the Romanian Academy. He was a Life Fellow IEEE. He was nominated as the president of the scientific council of the National Program for Research and Development for the Information Society in Romania. He introduced in Romania the concepts of the Knowledge Society and promotes the ideas of a future society of consciousness. President of the Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, President of the Section for Philosophy and Psychology of the Academy of Scientists- Romania, he was Honorary Ambassador. At our Institute, he was working at a project ” Structural – phenomenological modeling, conceptual and symbolic” based on his original philosophy of science elaborated previously, between 1977-1993. Among the aims of this project: to bring new ideas in the methodology of science and to develop orthophysical (structural-phenomenological) theories of the physical and informational reality, of mental processes and consciousness. He was a member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) and of the group KATEDRAST formed with professor Menas Kafatos a.o. from George Mason University, Fairfax, USA, with the aim of advancing new fundamental principles in philosophy of science and science. The latest works included the extension of the theory of categories and functors to phenomenological domains and the development of the philosophy of integrative science.

Categories and Functors for the Integrative Science

E-prints: Internet books

  • L’Universalité ontologique de l’information (Ontological Universality of Information), Préface et notes par Yves Kodratoff, prof., Université de Paris-Sud, Directeur de recherche au CNRS -Bucharest, Editura Academiei, 1996.
  • The Depths of Existence, Electronic edition, in English, of a book first published in 1979 (Profunzimile lumii materiale), Bucharest, Editura Politică).

Mind and Consciousness

Science and Technology of Information

  • Spoken Language Technology, communication, The 2nd Conference on Speech Technology and Man-Machine Dialogue, Academia Română, April 10-12, 2003.
  • Neural Engineering and Neuroelectronics Facing Artificial Consciousness, Communication at the INGIMED II Conference, Bucharest, Dec. 13, 2001; Federaţia Română de Inginerie Biologică.
  • From Solid State To Quantum And Molecular Electronics, The Deepening Of Information Processing, Invited paper at the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, 8-11 oct. 1997, published in the volume I of the Conference, p.5-21.
  • Information, Heuristics, Creation, in the volume I. Plander (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Information, Control Systems of Robots, Elsevier (North-Holland), 1984, pp.25-29.
  • Concepte generale şi probleme cuantice ale procesării informaţiei (General Concepts and Quantum Problems of the Information Processing), publicata în vol. Rolul Invãtãmântului şi al Cercetării ştiinşifice universitare în dezvoltarea Societăţii Informaţionale, Fac. de Automatică şi Calculatoare, Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, 1997, p. 31-39.
  • Electronica funcţională (Functional Electronics), Editura Tehnică, Bucharest, 1991 [in Romanian]. Contents of the volume.
  • Informaţia şi forţele fundamentale (Information and Fundamental Forces), communication at the 1998 Spring Scientific Session of the Academy of Scientists of Romania, published in the volume (editors) Mihai Drăgănescu and Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu, Natura realităţii fizice şi a informaţiei (The Nature of Physical Reality and of Information), Editura Tempus, Bucureşti, 1999, p. 5- 16.

Information Society – Knowledge Society

  • De la societatea informaţională la societatea cunoaşterii (From the information society to the knowledge society), Bucureşti, Editura Tehnică, 2003.
  • Noua cultura in secolul XXI, Bucuresti, Editura Semne, 2004.
  • Cultura şi societatea cunoaşterii, publicat în vol. coord. Dan Tufiş, Florin Filip, Limba Română în Societatea Informaţională-Societatea Cunoşterii, Editura Expert, Bucureşti, 2002, p.441-442, 459-472.
  • Cultura la scară naţională, Forumul national al culturii, Bucuresti, 19 iunie 2002.
  • Broadband and the Knowledge Society, Communication presented at the International Conference Information Society Technologies for Broadband Europe, 9-11 October 2002, Marriott Grand Hotel, Bucharest, România.
  • Perspectivele societăţii cunoaşterii în România, Comunicare la “Al V-lea Simpozion Stiintific al Inginerilor Români de Pretutindeni”, AGIR, Bucuresti, 13-14 septembrie 2002.
  • Notă deschisă privind ştiinţa, cultura şi societatea românească, 29 aprilie 2002.
  • Învăţământul electronic în societatea cunoaşterii (E-learning in the Knowledge Society), 28 martie 2002.
  • Ştiinţa cognitivă, ştiinţa structurală sau integrativă? (Cognitive Science, Structural or Integrative Science?), November 2001.
  • Cunoaşterea în secolul XXI (Knowledge in the XXIst Century), October 2001.
  • Societatea informaţională şi a cunoaşterii. Vectorii societăţii cunoaşterii ( The Information and Knowledge society. The Vectors of the Knowledge Society), studiu pentru Proiectul SI-SC (Societatea Informaţională – Societatea Cunoaşterii) al Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 9 iulie 2001.
  • Societatea cunoaşterii şi cartea electronicã (The Knowledge Society and the Electronic Book), comunicare la simpozionul Cartea electronicã, Academia Românã, 21 iunie 2001, publicată în volumul coord. Doina Banciu, Cartea Electronică, Editura AGER, Bucureşti, 2001, p. 26-42.
  • Societatea cunoaşterii (Knowledge Society), Diplomat Club, Nr.6, 2001, p.1-2.
  • Knowledge Management, a Functional Vector of the Knowledge Society, communication at the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Public Administration, Sinaia, Oct.29, 2001, published in the volume and CD of the conference and in Diplomat Club, nr.10-11, 2001, p.4.

Consciousness Society

History of the Science and Technology

  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Academia Română la sfărşitul mandatelor de preşedinte ale Acad. Eugen Simion, 24 august 2005.
  • Coord. Mihai Drăgănescu, Telecomunicaţiile în România. Pagini de istorie, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2003.
  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Academicianul Aurel Avramescu, promotor al disciplinelor ştiinţei şi tehnologiei informaţiei, comunicare la sesiunea “Centenar Aurel Avramescu”, Academia Română, amfiteatrul Heliade Radulescu, 20 noiembrie 2003.
  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Din istoria telecomunicaţiilor în România, comunicare, Academia Română, 15 aprilie 2003.
  • Ed. Mihai Drăgănescu, Adrian Rusu, Ştefan Iancu, Tudor Tănăsescu, fondatorul şcolii româneşti de electronică, (Tudor Tanasescu, the Founder of the Romanian School of Electronics), Editura Dorotea, Bucuresti, 2001.
  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Tudor Tănăsescu şi şcoala româneasca de electronică (Tudor Tanasescu and the Romanian School of electronics), Bucureşti, 7 martie 2001.
  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Realizarea de calculatoare şi reţele de calculatoare în România (1953-1985) (Computers and networks of computers realized in Romania, 1953-1958), Academia Română, November 2001.
  • Mihai Drăgănescu, Factori noi în viaţa cultural-ştiinţifică-politica globală: terorismul şi antiterorismul, comunicare la Simpozionul ‘Terorismul-noua formă de manifestare pe plan mondial, a confruntărilor militare asimetrice‘, Cercul Militar Naţional, Bucureşti, 12 dec. 2001.