Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligență Artificială "Mihai Drăgănescu", Academia Română

Acad. Dan Ioan TUFIȘ

Director, Cercetător Științific I


General info

About Distinctions and Scientific titles, education, research stages, experience, affiliations, research, teaching, evaluation activities, editorial boards, organizatoric activities, languages, acknowledgements

Distinctions and Scientific titles

Order ”Steaua României” (Knight rank) awarded by the President of Romania.

Member of the Romanian Academy, Professor, Ph. D., Senior Scientist grade I.

Doctor Honoris Causa of the ”Agora” University of Oradea

Honorary Professor of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Faculty of Computer Science

Several Merit Diplomas awarded by universities, research institutes, companies, media.


Research stages

  • October-November 2011: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Dpto. Sistemas Informáticos y Computación (DSIC), Spain
  • October-November 2008: Université de la Méditerrannée, Aix Marseille, France
  • 1998 – 1999 (two months): natural language processing using finite state technologies, at XEROX Research Center Europe, Grenoble, France
  • April 1998: Information Technology Research Institute, University of Brighton, UK
  • 1996 – 1998 (three months each year, with a NATO reseach grant): natural language generation, at LIMSI/CNRS, Orsay, France
  • 1994 (one month): parallel processing of natural language, at University of Surrey, UK
  • 1994 (one month): syntactic models based on unification, at Dalle Molle Institute for Semantic and Cognitive Studies (ISSCO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • 1994 (one month): AI generic algorithms, at Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), Lugano, Switzerland
  • 1993 (six months): immersive learning of foreign languages, at George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
  • 1988: lexical acquisition, at AI International Laboratory, Bratislava, Slovakia

Work experience

Affiliations and memberships

  • Romanian Academy, full member, since 2011
  • Romanian Academy, corresponding member, since 1997
  • EACL – European Association for Computational Linguistics, since 1985 (member of the Steering Committee)
  • GLDV – Gesellschaft fuer Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung (Society for Computational Lingistics and Language Technology), since 1986
  • DECUS Romania – Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, since 1992 (since 2002: HP-Interex-EMEA)
  • ESI – Commission of UNESCO experts in Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics and Functional Programming, since 1994
  • SIGNLL – Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning of the ACL – Association for Computational Linguistics, since 1995
  • TELRI – Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards, since 1996
  • EAGLES – Trans European Language Resource and Infrastructure Association, since 1997
  • ELSNET – European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies, since 1997
  • FPSC – Forum for Information Society (Forumul pentru Societatea Cunoaşterii), since 1997
  • EAMT – European Association for Machine Translation, since 1998
  • SIGLEX – Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the ACL, since 2000
  • ACH – Association for Computers and Humanities, since 2001
  • CILR – Romanian Academy Commission for Romanian Language Processing (Comisia Academiei Române pentru Informatizarea Limbii Române), since 2001 (founding member & president)
  • ACM – Association for Computing Machinery


More information about research interests, international & national projects, membership in Program Committees is available on a separate page.

Teaching activities

More information about research teaching activities, invited conferences & tutorials, PhD students, and membership in PhD awarding committees is available on a separate page.

Evaluation activities

  • CNCSU – project monitor, since 2009
  • CNCSIS, CEEX (Romanian national fundings), since 2006
  • IST in FP6 and FP7, including FET (EC), since 2002
  • IINCO-Copernicus, ESPRIT (EC), since 1996

Member of editorial boards

Organizatoric activities

  • February 8-12, 2021: EUROLAN 2021 Training School (online)
  • December 14-16, 2020: 15th International Conference CONSILR 2020, (online)
  • December 16, 2020: 4th Workshop RETEROM (online)
  • November 18-20, 2019: 14th International Conference CONSILR 2019, Cluj-Napoca
  • November 18, 2019: 3rd Workshop RETEROM, Cluj-Napoca
  • November 22-23, 2018: 13th International Conference CONSILR 2018, Iași
  • November 1st, 2018: Second European Language Resource Coordination Workshop, București
  • September 10-17, 2017: EUROLAN 2017 International Summer School, Constanta
  • March 23rd, 2016: First European Language Resource Coordination Workshop, București
  • November 26-27, 2015: ConsILR-2015 – 11th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language, Iaşi, Romania
  • September 23-24, 2015: PARSEME 5th general meeting – general meeting of the COST project, Iași, Romania
  • September 11-13, 2015: Errare 2015 – 2nd International Workshop on Errors by Humans and Machines in multimedia, multimodal and multilingual data processing, a satellite event of Interspeech 2015, Sinaia, Romania
  • July 13-25 , 2015: EUROLAN 2015 – 12th Summer School on Linguistic Linked Open Data, Sibiu, Romania
  • September 18-19, 2014: ConsILR-2014 – 10th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language, Craiova, România
  • October 11-19, 2013: EUROLAN 2013 – 11th Summer School on Computational Lexicography in Romania, Ipoteşti, Botoşani, Romania
  • September 23-26, 2013: CLEF-2013 – International Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visualization, Valencia, Spain
  • September 16-17, 2013: RCD-2013Romanian Cryptology Days , Novotel Bucharest City Centre, Romania
  • May 16-17, 2013: ConsILR-2013 – International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language, Castelul Sturdza, Miclăuşeni, Iaşi, Romania
  • September 26-27, 2013: LT4RD-2012 – Workshop exploratoriu la Conferinţa “Diaspora în Cercetarea ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din România” Tehnologii lingvistice în cercetarea românească din ţară şi diaspora (LT4RD – Language Technologies for R-D), Academia Română, Bucureşti, România
  • April 26-27, 2012: ConsILR-2011-2012 – Conferinţa internaţională Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Muzeul Naţional al Literaturii Române, Bucureşti, Romania
  • August 28 – September 4, 2011: EUROLAN 2011 – 10th International Summer School on NLP Goes Industrial, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • September 8-9, 2011: ROCHI 2011 – A opta Conferinţă Naţională de Interacţiune Om-Calculator, Bucureşti, Romania
  • May 6-7, 2010: ConsILR-2010 – Conferinţa internaţională Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Muzeul Naţional al Literaturii Române, Bucureşti, Romania
  • March 29-31, 2010: PROMISE-2010Processing ROmanian in Multilingual, Interoperational and Scalable Environments – Satellite conference at CICLing 2010, organised under the aegis of the Romanian Academy; University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iaşi, Romania
  • November 19-21, 2008: ConsILR-2008 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Faculty of Computer Science, Iaşi, Romania
  • May 15-17, 2008: Exploratory Workshop on NL-Computation: From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, Agora University, Felix Spa, Romania
  • December 14-15, 2007: ConsILR-2007 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Faculty of Computer Science, Iaşi, Romania
  • September 10, 2007: Tehnologiile lingvistice, prioritate a prezentului şi necesitate a viitorului: contribuţii, direcţii de acţiune şi proiecte româneşti, Academia Română, Bucureşti
  • July 23 – August 3, 2007: EUROLAN 2007 – 8th Summer School onNLP & HLT: Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi, Romania
  • November 3, 2006: ConsILR 2006 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi, Romania
  • October 26-28, 2006: General project meeting – Collocations en contexte, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • November 3, 2005: ConsILR 2005 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi, Romania
  • October 13, 2005: OL-KWM 2005 – International Symposium on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Work Management, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 25 – August 6, 2005: EUROLAN 2005 – 7th Summer School on NLP & HLT: The Multilingual Web: Resources, Technologies, and Prospects, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • July 26-28, 2005: RFN 2005 – Workshop and Kick-off Meeting on Romance FrameNet at the 7th EUROLAN Summer School on NLP & HLT, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • May 24-28, 2005: NLUCS 2005 – 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, Miami, USA
  • May 13-14, 2005: SpeD 2005 – 3rd International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialog, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • September 23-24, 2004: ROCHI 2004 – Prima Conferinţă Naţională de Interacţiune Om-Calculator, Bucureşti, Romania
  • August 28, 2004: MLRI 2004 – Workshop on Multilingual Linguistic Resources at COLING 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
  • July 21-23, 2004: ROSYCS 2004 (general chair) – Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, Iasi, Romania
  • July 25-26, 2004: SENSEVAL 3 – ACL-SIGLEX Evaluation exercises for Word Sense Disambiguation & ACL Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, Barcelona, Spain
  • April 4, 2004: Academician Mihai Drăgănescu – The 75th Anniversary, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • August 10-12, 2003: BalkaNet general project meeting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 28 – August 8, 2003: EUROLAN 2003 – 6th Summer School on NLP & HLT: The Semantic Web and Language Technology: Its Potential and Practicalities, Bucharest, Romania
  • August 2, 2003: FF-Poirot bilateral project meeting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 30 – August 11, 2001: EUROLAN 2001 5th Summer School on NLP & HLT: Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources, Iasi, Romania
  • May 9-11, 2001: International Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language l, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 19-31, 1999: EUROLAN 1999 – 4th Summer School on NLP & HLT: Lexical Semantics and Multilinguality, Iasi, Romania
  • July 13-26, 1997: EUROLAN 1997 – 3rd Summer School on NLP & HLT: Corpus Linguistics, Tusnad, Romania
  • July 15, 1997: 2nd Awareness EC Seminar on Language Technology, Tusnad, Romania
  • January 28-30, 1996: 1st Awareness EC Seminar on Language Technology, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 18-28, 1995: EUROLAN 1995 – 2nd Summer School on NLP & HLT: Language and Perception: Representations and Processes, Iasi, Romania
  • August 1-5, 1994: PAIL International Summer School: Computer-Aided Instruction in Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 19-29, 1993: EUROLAN 1993 – 1st Summer School on NLP & HLT: Natural Language Processing and Logic Programming, Iasi, Romania


  • English (W, R, S – fluent)
  • French, Russian (W, R, S – some)


  • 1989: Traian Vuia prize of the Romanian Academy (for the publication AI Researches on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The IURES System)
  • 1994: Tudor Tănăsescu prize of the Romanian Academy (for the publication Développement d’outils et de donées linguistique pour le traîtement du langage naturel)
  • 2002: Who’s Who in Romania, Pegasus
  • 2003: International Who’s Who in Translation & Terminology, Unione Latine, second edition
  • 2005: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, second edition, Elsevier
  • 2006: Who’s Who in the World, Marquis
  • 2010: Honorary Professor of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
  • 2010: Professional Membership with Association for Computing Machinery
  • 2011: Full Member of the Romanian Academy


Research interests | International & National Research Projects | Program Committees

Research interests
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Translation
  • Language Technologies
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Understanding and Generation
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Semantic Web

International research projects

Projects in-progress

  • CURLICAT – Curated Multilingual Language Resources for CEF AT (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2019/1926831), 2020-2022
  • ELRC – European Language Resource Coordination – ELRC (CEF SMART 2014/1074), (2015-2021)
  • ELG- European Language Grid” (Horizon 2020, agreement no.825627) 2019-2022
  • ELE- European Language Equality (PPPA-Langeq-2020) 2021-2022
  • Nexus Linguarum – European Network for Research and Development in Linguistic Data Science” (OC-2018-2-23228) 2019-2022
  • ENRICH4ALL (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2278547) 2021-2023

Past projects

  • MARCELL – Multilingual Resources for CEF.AT in the legal domain” (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1565710), 2018-2021
  • Presidency MT Kit Automated Translation Toolkit for the EU Council Presidency (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1762093) 2018-2020
  • PARSEME – Parsing Multiword Expressions) –COST Action IC1207 (2013-2017)
  • DRuKoLA – – Project funded by Alexander von Humbold Fundation, in partnership with IDS-Mannheim, University of București and ITI-Iași (2016-2018)
  • META-NET – Multilingual Europe: a Technology Alliance (FP7, 249119 – Network of Excellence), Feb. 2010 – Jan. 2013
  • METANET4U – Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure (CIP-ICT-PSP.2010.6.1, 270893), Feb. 2011 – Jan. 2013
  • Multilingual Web – Advancing the Multilingual Web (ICT PSP No. 250500), April 2010 – March 2012
  • ACCURAT – Analysis and evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under Resourced Areas of Machine Translation (FP7, 248347), 2010 – 2012
  • CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, 2008 – 2011
  • FlaRENet – Fostering Language Resources Network, 2008 – 2011
  • COST A31 – Stability and Adaptation of Classification Systems in a Cross-Cultural Perspective, 2007 – 2010
  • SEE-ERA.NET – Building Language Resources and Translation Models for Machine Translation focused on South Slavic and Balkan Languages (ICT 10503 RP) 2007 – 2008
  • WISE – An Electronic Marketplace to Support Pairs of Less Widely Studied European Languages (BSEC 009 / 05.2007) 2007 – 2008
  • Collocations en contexte – extraction et analyse contrastive (AUF 2091RR703) 2006 – 2008
  • ProLearn – PROfessional LEARNing (NoE FP6- 507310) 2004-2007
  • KNOWLEDGE-WEB (NoE FP6-507482) 2004-2007
  • RomNetEra – ROManian Inventory and NETworking for Integration in ERA (SSA FP6-510475) 2004-2006
  • ARS-ROCOCO – Acquiring Reading Skills in Romanian by Comparable Corpora (bilateral project with the British Academy) 2004-2005
  • DICO-EAST – Dictionary consultation for research and education (bilateral project with the University of Geneve) 2003-2004
  • FF-POIROT – Financial Fraud Prevention-Oriented Information Resources using Ontology Technology (STREP IST-2001-38248) 2002-2005
  • EURO-CITIZEN – Promoting European intercultural education, cross-national cooperation, and enhancing European awareness among citizens of Europe (FP5 eContent 22089) 2002-2005
  • BalkaNet – Design and Development of a Multilingual Balkan WordNet (FP5, IST-2000-29388) 2001-2004
  • DICOPRO – Trilateral Lexicographic Project with ISSCO – Geneva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 2000-2003
  • ELSNET – European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies (FP5, IST-1999-12127) 2000-2002
  • ATAMIRI – Machine Translation Based on Trivalent Logic (Trilateral Project with Union Latine, France & University of La Paz, Bolivia) 2000-2001
  • LARFLAST – Learning Foreign Language Scientific Terminology (INCO-Copernicus 977074) 1999-2001
  • TELRI-II – Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure (EC Concerted Action PL977085) 1999-2001
  • ELAN – European Language Activity Network (MLIS Project 121) 1998-2001
  • CADBFR – Construction Automatique de Dictionnaire Bilingue Franco-Roumain (AUPELF-UREF) 1999-2000
  • AMASE – Agent based Mobile Acces for Information Services (EC ACTS AC346) 1998-1999
  • CONCEDE – Consortium for Central European Dictionary Encoding (INCO-Copernicus PL961142) 1998-2000
  • FRANCIL – Réseau FRANCophone de l’Ingénierie de la Langue (bilateral AUPELF-UREF project with LIMSI/CNRS) 1998-2000
  • HEADGEN – Head-Driven Generator for Unification Grammars (NATO research project, with LIMSI – Paris) 1998
  • ROMANIAN INTERNET ACADEMY – European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies (bilateral project with International Centre for Advanced Studies in Information Technology, Washington, SUA) 1995-1999
  • ELSNET Goes EAST – European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies (COPERNICUS Concerted Action 200) 1995-1998
  • TELRI-I – Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure (EC Concerted Action) 1995-1997
  • MULTEXT-EAST – Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora for Central and Eastern European Languages (EC COPERNICUS 106) 1995-1997
  • PAIL – General AI Educational Environment (bilateral project with IDSIA – Lugano, Switzerland) 1993-1995
  • EGLU – Unification-based Platform for Parsing, Transfer and Generation of Natural Language (NSF FLUENT-2 project with George Mason University-Fairfax and Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Boston, USA) 1993-1994
  • KRIL – Knowledge-based Interlingual Generator (bilateral project with the ISSCO Institute, Geneve, Switzerland) 1993-1994
  • ELSNET – European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies (CEC ESPRIT 6295) 1991-1995
  • RETA & ERTA – Russian-English and English-Russian Assisted Translator (bilateral project with NPO-TPS Rusia) 1990-1992

National research projects

Projects in-progress

  • ReTeRom – Resurse și tehnologii pentru dezvoltarea interfețelor om-mașina în limba română PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2018-0818, nr. 73PCCDI/2018, 2018-2021
  • Robin – Roboții și Societatea: Sisteme Cognitive pentru Roboți Personali și Vehicule Autonome PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2018-0818, nr. 72PCCDI/2018, 2018-2020
  • Strategia de dezvoltare a Romaniei in urmatorii 20 ani (priority program of the Romanian Academy) 2015-2017
  • PRACSIS – POSDRU/161/2.1/G/135813 “Parteneriat pentru o carieră de succes în domeniul securităţii informaţiilor şi a sistemelor informatice”, 2014-2015

Past projects

  • COROLA – Representative Corpus of Contemporary Romanian (priority program of the Romanian Academy) 2014-2017
  • ACCURAT-RO – Analiza şi evaluarea corpusurilor comparabile pentru domenii ale Traducerii Automate cu mai puţine resurse (PN2, Capacităţi), coordinator: Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2010 – 2012
  • STAR – A System for Machine Translation for Romanian (PN2, Idei) 2009 – 2011
  • CLARIN-RO – Infrastructură pentru resurse lingvistice interoperabile pentru limba română (PN2, Capacităţi) 2009 – 2011
  • eDTLR – The Romanian Thesaurus Dictionary in electronic form (PN2, D91013/18.09.2007) 2007 – 2010
  • SIR-RESDEC – Open Domain Question Answering System for Romanian and English (PN2, D11007/18.09.2007) 2007 – 2010
  • ROTEL – Intelligent systems for the Semantic Web, based on logics, ontologies and language technologies (CEEX 29) 2005 – 2008
  • ACQ-MULT – Acquisition and use of multilingual lexical resources (Achiziţia şi utilizarea cunoştinţelor lexicale multilingve) (Romanian Academy project) 2004-2005
  • IS-KS – Strategies and Solutions for Information Society-Knowledge Society in Romania (INFOSOC) 2002
  • SI-SC – Information Society – Knowledge Society Societatea Informaţională – Societatea Cunoaşterii (fundamental project of the Romanian Academy) 2001-2002
  • LINGUASTAT – Integrated Set of Tools for Statistical Language Processing (Romanian Academy project) 1998-2001
  • WEBLEX DIC – Generator of an XML-encoded Lexical Database from a Typographical Dictionary (Romanian Academy prioritary project) 1998-1999
  • GULIVER – Generalized LR Parser for Unification Grammars (national research project) 1991-1993
  • PC-IURES – Commercial version of IURES for personal computers (national research project) 1988-1991
  • PARADIGM – Paradigmatic Morphology Learning System (national research project) 1987-1988
  • TC-LISP – An Integrated Environment for LISP Programming: interpreter, compiler, debugger (national research project) 1984-1987
  • IURES – System for Unrestricted Question-Answering in Natural Language (Romanian) (national research project) 1982-1983
  • SDLR – Prototype for Natural Language (Romanian) Dialogue (national research project) 1981-1982

Member in Program Committees

  • ACL-IJCN2021
  • WASA 2021
  • NLBD 2021
  • LREC 2020 (membru CP, Marsilia) – conferința mare plus workshopurile CMLC, IWLTP
  • NLDB 2020 (membru CP, Saarbrucken)
  • MDIS 2020 (membru CP, Sibiu)
  • COLING/COGALEX 2020 (membru CP, Barcelona)
  • Computational Lingustics in Bulgaria (membru CP, CLIB 2020 Sofia)
  • CMLC 2020
  • IWLTP 2020
  • NLDB2020
  • LTC 2019
  • CMLC 2019
  • MWN-WN 2019
  • CSCS 2019
  • RANLP 2019
  • SpeD 2019
  • ACL 2018
  • AIMSA 2018
  • LREC 2018
  • NLDB 2018
  • NLDB 2017 – The 22nd International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems, Liege, June 21-23, 2017
  • CSCS 2017- The 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – Bucharest, May 27-29, 2017
  • CICLING 2017 – 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Budapesta, April 17-23, 2017
  • SPED 2017 – the 9th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, București, 6-9 iulie , 2017
  • CMSM4 – the 4th Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, June 29-July 1, 2017
  • WASSA 2017 – 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis, September 8th, Copenhagen
  • LTC 2017 – 8th Language & Technology Conference, Poznan, 17-19 November
  • WMT 2017 – EMNLP 2017 Second Conference on Machine Translation (WMT17), September 7-8, Copenhagen
  • RANLP 2017 – Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, September 2-8, Varna
  • SYNASC 2017 – 19th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, September 21-24, Timișoara
  • LREC 2018 – 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan)
  • ICCC-2016 – 6th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, Băile Felix, Oradea, România, May 10-14, 2016
  • CICLING 2016 – 17th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Konya, Turkey, 3-9 April 2016
  • GWC 2016 – 8th Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 27-30 January 2016
  • ConsILR 2015 – 11th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language, Iasi, Romania, November 26-27, 2015
  • SPED 2015 – 8th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, Bucharest, Romania, 14-17 October 2015
  • ICMMI 2015 – International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions, The Beskids, Poland, October 6-9, 2015
  • ROCHI 2015 – 12th National Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Bucharest, Romania, 24-25 September 2015
  • NLPCS 2015 – 12th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Kraków, Poland, 22-24 September 2015
  • RCD 2015 – Romanian Criptology Days Conference, Bucharest, Romania, September 21-23, 2015
  • WASSA 2015 – 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis at EMNLP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 17 September 2015
  • IWES 2015 – International Workshop on Embeddings and Semantics at SEPLN 2015, Alicante, Spain, 16-18 September 2015
  • ERRARE 2015 – 2nd International Workshop on Errors by Humans and Machines in multimedia, multimodal and multilingual data processing, a satellite event of Interspeech 2015, Sinaia, Romania, 11-13 September 2015
  • RANLP 2015 – 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 5-11 September 2015
  • ARIA 2015 – “ARIA Thesis” Award for the best doctoral dissertation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5-8 September 2015
  • BCI 2015 – 7th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Craiova, Romania, 2-4 September 2015
  • RRNLP 2015 – Workshop on Replicability and Reproducibility in Natural Language Processing: adaptive methods, resources and software at IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25-27 July 2015
  • CMLC-3 – 3rd Workshop on the Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora at Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster, UK, 20 July 2015
  • EUROLAN 2015 – 12th Summer School on Linguistic Linked Open Data, Sibiu, Romania, 13 – 25 July 2015
  • RUMOUR-2015 – Workshop on Social Media and the Web of Linked Data at EUROLAN 2015, Sibiu, Romania, 13 – 25 July 2015
  • MUMTTT 2015 – 2nd Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology at EUROPHRAS2015, Malaga, Spain, 1-2 July 2015
  • NLDB 2015 – 20th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Passau, Germany, 17-19 June, 2015
  • CSCS20 – 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, 27-29 May 2015
  • IWoCPS-2015 – 4th International Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems at CSCS20, Bucharest, Romania, 28-29 May 2015
  • EAMT 2015 – 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Antalya, Turkey, 11-13 May 2015
  • MWW 2015 – 8th MultilingualWeb workshop – W3C workshop part of the Riga Summit 2015 on the Multilingual Digital Single Market, Riga, Latvia, 29 April 2015
  • ConsILR 2014 – 10th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language, Craiova, Romania, September 18-19, 2014
  • AIMSA 2014 – 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 11-13, 2014
  • ROCHI 2014 – 11th National Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Constanta, Romania, 4-5 September 2014
  • CLIB 2014 – 1st Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4, 2014
  • COLING 2014 – 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (tracks: MT, Lexicons & Ontologies, Cognitive Lexicology), Dublin, Ireland, 23-29 August 2014
  • CogALex 2014 – 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon at COLING 2014, Dublin, Ireland, 23-29 August 2014
  • IMCS-50 – Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 19-23 August 2014
  • ACL 2014 – 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (long and short papers), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 22-27 June 2014
  • SMT 2014 – 9th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation at ACL 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 26-27 June 2014
  • WASSA 2014 – 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis at ACL 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 27 June 2014
  • EAMT 2014 – 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 16-18, 2014
  • LREC 2014 – 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 26-31, 2014
  • CMLC 2014 – 2nd Workshop on Challenges in the management of large corpora at LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 31, 2014
  • IWoCPS 2014 – 3rd International Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems, Bucharest, Romania, May 29-30, 2014
  • ICCCC 2014 – 5th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, Oradea, România, May 7-9, 2014
  • NHMW 2014 – W3C Workshop on New Horizons for the Multilingual Web, Madrid, Spain, May 7-8, 2014
  • EACL 2014 – 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 26–30, 2014
  • CICLING 2014 – 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Kathmandu, Nepal, April 6-12, 2014
  • LTC 2013 – The 6th Language and Technology Conference, Poznań, Poland, December 7-8, 2013
  • CL!NSS 2012 – Cross-Language !ndian News Story Search at Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE), New Delhi, India, December 4-6, 2013
  • SPED 2013 – 7th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 16-19 October 2013
  • NLPCS 2013 – 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science at ICEIS 2013, Marseille, France, October 15, 2013
  • CLEF 2013 (& Co-chair) – 4th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visualization, Valencia, Spain, September 23-26, 2013
  • RCD 2013 – Romanian Cryptology Days, Bucharest, Romania, September 16-17, 2013
  • RANLP 2013 – 9th Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, September 7-13, 2013
  • MT Summit 2013 – 14th Machine Translation Summit, Nice, France, September 2-6, 2013
  • MUMTTT 2013 – Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology at MT Summit 2013, Nice, France, September 2-6, 2013
  • IIS 2013 – International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 20-23 August 2013
  • WMT 2013 – 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 8-9, 2013
  • ACL 2013 – 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013
  • IJCAI 2013 – 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China, August 3-9, 2013
  • WASSA 2013 – 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis at NAACL-HLT 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, June 13-14, 2013
  • CSCS19 2013 – 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 29-31, 2013
  • CICLING 2013 – 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Samos, Greece, March 24-30, 2013
  • MMWW 2014 – W3C Workshop on Making the Multilingual Web Work, Rome, Italy, March 12-13, 2013
  • CogaLex 2012 (& section chair) – 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon at COLING 2012, Mumbai, India, December 15, 2012
  • ICSTTC 2012 – 16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, October 12-14, 2012
  • FASSBL 2012 – 8th International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 19-21, 2012
  • PAN 2012 – 4th International Competition on Plagiarism Detection, Rome, Italy, September 17-20, 2012
  • CLOBL 2012 – Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing of Balkan Languages at BCI 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 16-20, 2012
  • AIMSA 2012 – The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 13 – 15, 2012
  • ROCHI 2012 – 9th National Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Bucharest, Romania, 6-7 September 2012
  • WASSA 2012 – 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis at ACL 2012, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, July 10, 2012
  • ACL 2012 (& Co-chair) – The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, July 8-14, 2012
  • NLPCS 2012 – 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science at ICEIS 2012, Wroclaw, Poland, 28- 29 June, 2012
  • WMT 2012 – 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation at NAACL 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 7-8, 2012
  • BUCC 2012 – 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora at LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 26, 2012
  • SemRel 2012 – 2nd Workshop on Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications at LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 22, 2012
  • ATMETA 2012 – META-RESEARCH Workshop on Advanced Treebanking at LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, May 22, 2012
  • LREC 2012 – 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, May 21-27, 2012
  • ConsILR 2012 – Conferinţa Resurse Lingvistice şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Bucuresti, Romania, Aprilie 26-27, 2012
  • EACL 2012 – 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Avignon, France, Aprilie 23-27, 2012
  • CICLING 2012 – 13th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, New Delhi, India, March 11–17, 2012
  • LTC 2011 – 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies, Poznan, Poland, November 25-27, 2011
  • LRTS 2011 – Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, co-organised by FLaReNet, Language Grid and META-SHARE in connection with IJCNLP 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 12, 2011
  • ICSTCC 2011 – 15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, October 14-16, 2011
  • IIS 2011 – International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 13-14, 2011
  • RANLP 2011 – 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2011
  • ROCHI 2011 – 8th National Conference on Human Computer Interaction, ICIA, Bucharest, Romania, September 8-9, 2011
  • SEPLN-ICL 2011 – Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language NLP tasks at SEPLN 2011, Huelva, Spain, September 7, 2011
  • EUROLAN 2011 – 10th International Summer School on NLP Goes Industrial, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 28 – September 4, 2011
  • NLPCS 2011 – 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 20-21, 2011
  • WMT 2011 – 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation at EMNLP 2011, Edinburgh, UK, July 30-31, 2011
  • WASSA 2.011 – 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis at ACL-HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 24, 2011
  • SPED 2011 – 6th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, Brasov, Romania, May 18-21, 2011
  • QA4MRE – Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation at CLEF 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 20, 2011
  • CSCS 2011 – 18th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 24-27, 2011
  • AI-MAS Winter Olympics 2011 – 2nd edition of Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems Olympics, Bucharest, Romania, February 19-20, 2011
  • Multilingual Web 2010 (& section chair) – W3C Workshop: The Multilingual Web – Where Are We?, Madrid, Spain, October 27-28, 2010
  • EMNLP 2010 – 15th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA, October 9-11, 2010
  • ECIT 2010 – 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, October 7-9, 2010
  • SYNASC 2010 – 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 23-26, 2010
  • MLQA 2010 – Workshop on Question Answering in Multiple Languages at CLEF, Padua, Italy, September 22, 2010
  • AIMSA 2010 – 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 8-10, 2010
  • COLING 2010 – 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Bejung, China, August 23-27, 2010
  • CogALex 2010 – Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon: Enhancing the Structure and Look-up Mechanisms of Electronic Dictionaries at COLING 2010, Bejing, China, August 22, 2010
  • WASSA 2010 – Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis at the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence – ECAI 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, August 17, 2010
  • SOFA 2010 – 4th IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Arad, Romania, July 15-17, 2010
  • SemEval 2010 – 2nd Evaluation Exercises on Semantic Evaluation, SigLex event at ACL, Uppsala, Sweden, July 11-16, 2010
  • DH 2010 – Digital Humanities, King’s College London, July 7-10, 2010
  • IIS 2010 – Joint venture of the 18th International Conference Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) and the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Siedlce, Poland, June 8-10, 2010
  • NLPCS 2010 – 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science at the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems – ICEIS 2010, Madeira, Portugal, June 8-7, 2010
  • EAMT 2010 – 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Saint-Raphaël, France, May 27-28, 2010
  • LREC 2010 (& section chair) – 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Valetta, Malta, May 17-23, 2010
  • MultiLR 2010 – Workshop on Exploitation of multilingual resources and tools for Central and (South) Eastern European Languages at LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta, May 23, 2010
  • WSPP 2010 – Workshop on Web Services and Processing Pipelines in HLT: Tool Evaluation, LR Production and Validation at LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta, May 17-18, 2010
  • SemRel 2010 – Workshop on Semantic relations. Theory and Applications at LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta, May 18, 2010
  • LRT-standards 2010 – Workshop on Language Resource and Language Technology Standards – state of the art, emerging needs, and future developments at LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta, May 18, 2010
  • ConsILR-2010 – Conferinţa Resurse Lingvistice şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Bucureşti, Romania, 6-7 mai, 2010
  • CCCT 2010 – 8th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Florida, USA, April 6-9, 2010
  • PROMISE 2010 – Workshop on Processing ROmanian in Multilingual, Interoperational and Scalable Environments at the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistic – CICLing 2010, Iasi, Romania, March 29, 2010
  • LTC 2009 – 4th Language and Technology Conference, 2009, Poznan, Poland, November 6-8, 2009
  • LTC-FLaReNet 2009 – JOINT LTC-FLaReNet LTC workshop: Getting Less-Resourced Languages on-Board!, Poznan, Poland, November 6, 2009
  • SYNASC 2009 – 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2009
  • RanlpBalkan09 – Workshop on Multilingual resources, technologies and evaluation for central and Eastern European languages at RANLP2009, 17-18 September 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria
  • NLPSP 2009 – Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Support of Learning: Metrics, Feedback and Connectivity, Bucharest, Romania September 14, 2009
  • EMNLP 2009 – 14th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Suntec, Singapore, August 6-7, 2009
  • ACL-IJCNLP 2009 – Joint conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Suntec, Singapore, August 2-7, 2009
  • SpeD 2009 (& section chair) – 5th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009
  • IIS 2009 – Joint venture of the 17th International Conference Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) and the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Kraków, Poland, June 15-18, 2009
  • NLPCS 2009 – 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Milan, Italy, May 6-7, 2009
  • EACL-SMT 2009 – EACL 2009 4th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Athens, Greece, March 30-31, 2009
  • EACL-09 – 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Athens, Greece, March 30 – April 3, 2009
  • e-Humanities – an emerging discipline – 2008 – Workshop in the 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Indianapolis, USA, December 7-12, 2008
  • ConsILR-2008 – Atelier de lucru Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, 19-20 noiembrie, 2008
  • FASSBL 2008 – 6th International Conference on Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25-28, 2008
  • LDALSK 2008 – 1st International Workshop on Language Diversity and the Acquisition of Linguistic-Semantic Knowledge, Wroclaw, Poland, September 18-19, 2008
  • AIMSA 2008 – 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 4-6, 2008
  • COLING 2008 (& section chair) – 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Manchester, UK, August 18-22, 2008
  • CogALex-08 – SIGLEX Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon, Manchester, UK, August 24, 2008
  • ECIT 2008 (& section chair) – 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, July 10-12, 2008
  • DH 2008 – 13rd International Conference on Digital Humanities, Oulu, Finland, June 25-29, 2008
  • IIS 2008 – 16th International Conference Intelligent Information Systems, Zakopane, Poland, June 16-18, 2008
  • NLPCS 2008 – 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Systems, Barcelona, Spain, June 12-13, 2008
  • LREC 2008 (& section chair) – 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marrakech, Maroc, May 28-30, 2008
  • ICCC 2008 (& section chair) – 3rd International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control, Felix Spa, Romania, May 15-17, 2008
  • NLC 2008 – Exploratory Workshop on Natural Language Computing: From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, Felix Spa, Romania, May 15-17, 2008
  • DTIL 2008 (& section chair) – Seminar Internaţional Instrumente pentru asistarea traducerii, Academia Română, Bucureşti, februarie 28-29, 2008
  • GWC 2008 – 4th Global WordNet Conference, Szeged, Hungary, January 22-25, 2008
  • ConsILR-2007 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, 14-15 decembrie, 2007
  • e-Humanities – an emerging discipline – Workshop in the 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Bangalore, India, December 10-13, 2007
  • LTC 2007 – 3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, October 5-7, 2007
  • ROCHI 2007 – 4th National Conference on Computer Human Interaction, Constanţa, Romania, September 20-21, 2007
  • SYNASC 2007 – 9th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2007
  • RANLP 2007 – Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 24-30, 2007
  • ESSLLI 2007 Student Session – 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 6-17 August, 2007
  • EUROLAN 2007 – 8th Summer School on NLP & HLT: Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text, Iasi, Romania, July 23 – August 3, 2007
  • ASOS 2007 – Workshop on Applications of Semantics, Opinion and Sentiments in eLearning, Iasi, Romania, July 23-27,2007
  • EUROLAN DC 2007 – Doctoral Consortium at the 8th EUROLAN Summer School, Iasi, Romania, July 30 – August 2, 2007
  • WILF 2007 – International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Genova, Italy, July 7-10, 2007
  • EMNLP-CoNLL 2007 – Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing – Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, Prague, Czech Republic, June 28-30, 2007
  • WMT 2007 – 2nd ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, Czech Republic, June 23, 2007
  • NLPCS 2007 – 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Systems, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 12-13, 2007
  • SpeD 2007 (& section chair) – 4th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human – Computer Dialogue, Iasi, Romania, May 10-12, 2007
  • IWIC 2007 – 1st International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, January 2007, Kyoto, Japan, January 25-26, 2007
  • e-Humanities – an emerging area of concern – Workshop in the 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 4-6, 2006
  • ConsILR-2006 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, 3 noiembrie, 2006
  • FASSBL 2006 – 5th International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 18-20, 2006
  • IS-LTC 2006 – 5th Slovenian and 1st International Conference on Language Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 9 – 10, 2006
  • SYNASC 2006 – 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2006
  • ROCHI 2006 – A treia ediţie a Conferinţei Naţionale în domeniul Interacţiunii Om-Calculator, Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti, Romania, 21-22 septembrie 2006
  • MLRI 2006 – COLING-ACL 2006 Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability, Sydney, Australia, July 23, 2006
  • IES-2006 – International workshop on Intelligent Embedded Systems, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, July 20, 2006
  • IST-MA 2006 – International workshop on IST-Multidisciplinary Approaches, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, June 27, 2006
  • ICCC 2006 (& section chair) – 2nd International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control, Felix Spa, Romania, June 1-3, 2006
  • LREC 2006 (& section chair) – 5th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Genoa, Italy, May 24-26, 2006
  • CLKI 2006 – EACL 2006 2nd Workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction, Trento, Italy, April 3, 2006
  • ROMAND 2006 – EACL 2006 4th Workshop on Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural language Data, Trento, Italy, April 3, 2006
  • GWC 2006 – 3rd Global WordNet Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, January 22-26, 2006
  • BCI 2005 – 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics, Ohrid, Macedonia, November 17-19, 2005
  • ConsILR-2005 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, 3 noiembrie, 2005
  • OL-KWM 2005 – International Symposium on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Work Management, Bucharest, Romania, October 13, 2005
  • SYNASC 2005 – 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 25 – 29, 2005
  • ROCHI 2005 – A doua ediţie a Conferinţei Naţionale în domeniul Interacţiunii Om-Calculator, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 15-16 septembrie 2005
  • IEEE-SOFA 2005 – IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Szeged-Hungary and Arad-Romania, August 27 – 30, 2005
  • EUROLAN 2005 – 7th Summer School on NLP & HLT: The Multilingual Web: Resources, Technologies, and Prospects, Cluj Napoca, Romania, July 25 – August 6, 2005
  • CLKI 2005 – Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop at the 7th EUROLAN Summer School on NLP & HLT, Cluj Napoca, Romania, August 2-4, 2005
  • RFN 2005 – Workshop and Kick-off Meeting on Romance FrameNet at the 7th EUROLAN Summer School on NLP & HLT, Cluj Napoca, Romania, July 26-28, 2005
  • WPT 2005 – ACL 2005 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Creating Corpora and Tools for Languages with Scarce Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, June 29-30, 2005
  • NLUCS 2005 – 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, Miami, USA, May 24-28, 2005
  • SpeD 2005 – 3rd International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialog, Cluj Napoca, Romania, May 13-14, 2005
  • LTC 2005 – 2nd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, April 21-23, 2005
  • E-Comm-Line 2004 – 5th European Conference on e-business/ e-commerce/ e-learning/ e-work/ e-government/ e-democracy/ e-health/ e-mediary, e-inclusion / BB-broad-band, on-line services / e-marine / e-banking, adaptnetics, and their influences on the economic/ social environment and contributions to ERA, Bucharest, Romania, October 21-22, 2004
  • SYNASC 2004 – 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-30, 2004
  • ROCHI 2004 (& section chair) – Prima Conferinţă Naţională de Interacţiune Om-Calculator, Bucureşti, Romania, September 23-24, 2004
  • COLING 2004 (& section chair) – The 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Geneva, Switzerland, August 29, 2004
  • ED 2004 – Workshop on Enhancing and using electronic dictionaries at COLING 2004, Geneva, Switzerland, August 29, 2004
  • MLRI 2004 – Workshop on Multilingual Linguistic Resources at COLING 2004, Geneva, Switzerland, August 28, 2004
  • ROSYCS 2004 (general chair) – Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, Iasi, Romania, July 21-23, 2004
  • ECIT 2004 – Third European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, July 21-23, 2004
  • SENSEVAL 3 – ACL-SIGLEX Evaluation exercises for Word Sense Disambiguation & ACL Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, Barcelona, Spain, July 25-26, 2004
  • LREC 2004 (& section chair) – 4th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004
  • NLUCS 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, Porto, Portugal, April 13, 2004
  • Academician Mihai Drăgănescu – The 75th Anniversary, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, April 4, 2004
  • BLRT 2003 – BCI Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 21, 2003
  • BCI 2003 – 1st Balkan Conference on Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 21-23, 2003
  • SYNASC 2003 – 5th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, October 1-4, 2003
  • KES 2003 – 7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, University of Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003
  • EUROLAN 2003 – 6th Summer School on NLP & HLT: The Semantic Web and Language Technology: Its Potential and Practicalities, Bucharest, Romania, July 28 – August 8, 2003
  • FLAIRS 2003 – FLAIRS 2003 Special Track on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, St. Augustine, Florida, USA, May 11-15, 2003
  • BUPT ACL 2003 – HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond, Edmonton, Canada, May 31, 2003
  • EACL 2003 – 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary, April 15-17, 2003
  • SYNASC 2002 – 4th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, October 9-12, 2002
  • AIMSA 2002 – 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 4-6, 2002
  • ECIT 2002 (& section chair) – 2nd European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, July 17-20, 2002
  • LREC 2002 – 3rd Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, May 29-31, 2002
2001 – 1996
  • EUROLAN 2001 – 5th Summer School on NLP & HLT: Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources, Iasi, Romania, July 30 – August 11, 2001
  • AIMSA 2000 – 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 20-23, 2000
  • LR-LCE 2000 – Forumul ”Limba Română – Limbă a Comunităţii Europene”, Chişinău, 14-15 Aprilie 2000
  • WITREC 2000 – International Conference on Web Information Technologies: Research, Education and Commerce, Montpellier, France, May 2-4, 2000
  • LREC 2000 – 2nd Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Athens, Greece, May 31 – June 2, 2000
  • EUROLAN 1999 – 4th Summer School on NLP & HLT: Lexical Semantics and Multilinguality, Iasi, Romania, July 19-31, 1999
  • AIMSA 1998 – 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 21-23, 1998
  • Coling 1998 – 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 1998
  • ALLC-ACH 1998 – Joint Annual Conference of the ALLC and the ACH, Debrecen, Hungary, July 5-10, 1998
  • EMNLP 1998 – 3rd International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Granada, Spain, June 2, 1998
  • RANLP 1997 – 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, September 7-9, 1997
  • EUROLAN 1997 – 3rd Summer School on NLP & HLT: Corpus Linguistics, Tusnad, Romania, July 13-26, 1997
  • AIMSA 1996 – 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1996
  • Coling 1996 – 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 5-9, 1996
  • ALLC/ACH 1996 – Joint Annual Conference of the ACH and the ALLC, University of Bergen, Norway, June 25-29, 1996
  • LT 1996 – 1st Awareness EC Seminar on Language Technology, Bucharest, Romania, January 28-30, 1996
  • RANLP 1995 – 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Velingrad, Bulgaria, September 13-16, 1995
  • EUROLAN 1995 – 2nd Summer School on NLP & HLT: Language and Perception: Representations and Processes, Iasi, Romania, July 18-28, 1995
  • AI-Ed 1995 – International Conference on AI Education: Goals, Courses and Resources, British Society for the study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, Sheffield, UK, April 3-4, 1995
  • PAIL 1994: International Summer School: Computer-Aided Instruction in Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest, Romania, August 1-5, 1994
  • EUROLAN 1993 – 1st Summer School on NLP & HLT: Natural Language Processing and Logic Programming, Iasi, Romania, July 19-29, 1993
  • AIMSA 1992 – 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1992
  • EACL 1991 – 5th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Berlin, Germany, April 9-11, 1991
  • EACL 1989 – 4th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, University of Manchester, UK, April 10-12, 1989
  • Coling 1986 – 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, University of Bonn, Germany, August 25-29, 1986


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About teaching activities, invited conferences & tutorials, PhD students, membership in PhD awarding committees

Teaching activities

  • Data Driven and Machine Learning based NLP, 1st year, Master in Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Politehnica University, Bucharest
  • Introduction to Computational Linguistics, 1st year, Master in Computational Linguistics, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi
  • Corpus Linguistics, 1st year, Master in Computational Linguistics, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi
  • Machine Translation, 2nd year, Master in Computational Linguistics, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi
  • AI methods and technologies in MT, ICIA Doctoral School
  • WSD in NLP; applications, ICIA Doctoral School

Invited conferences & tutorials

  • 17-18 aprilie, 2019 Language Technology and Digital Culture. European Conference on Exposing Online the European Cultural Heritage: the Impact of Cultural Heritage on the Transformation of the Society, Iași
  • 6 mai 2019 Resurse, tehnologii și rezultate în prelucrarea automată pentru limba română. Conferinţa Cercetării Științifice din Academia Română (CCSAR-2019), București
  • 21-22 May 2019 Language technologies and the challenges for Digital Single Market. IMPACT 2019, Kracow, Poland
  • 10-12 octombrie, 2019 Resources and Technologies for Language and Speech Processing of Romanian. Plenary talk to SPED 2019 International Conference, Timișoara
  • 17-19 October, 2019 “Inteligența artificială și provocările ingineriei lingvistice”. Plenary talk to the international workshop BACStud 2019 (5th edition)
  • 1 octombrie 2018 ELRC în Romania, European Commission Workshop ELRC
  • 1 octombrie 2018Alexandru Ceaușu Platforma eTranslation a MIE @ lucru. 2018. European Commission Workshop ELRC
  • 10-11 iunie 2016, COROLA – A Large Priority Project of the Romanian Academy on Romanian Language. Invited talk at 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIS 2016), Constanța, Romania
  • July 13-25, 2015 (invited conference) Challenges in building a publicly available reference corpus, EUROLAN 2015 Summer School, Sibiu, Romania
  • May 14, 2015 (invited conference) Data Hunger: Language Technologies-A Dream Coming True, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • September 16-17, 2014 (invited conference) Machine Translation-A Look into the Future, 9th International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing of the Romanian Language” (ConsILR 2014), Craiova, Romania
  • June 2, 2014 (invited conference with Bente Maegaard) Language technology: a key enabler for industrial applications, Keynote speech at the Conference  Romanian – Danish partnerships. Success stories and prospects, ITUniversity Conference Centre, Copenhagen
  • October 16, 2013 (invited conference, with Tiberiu Boroş, and Ştefan Daniel Dumitrescu) The RACAI Speech Translation System. Challenges of Morphologically Rich Languages, 7th International Conference on Speech and Human-Computer Dialogue (SPED 2013), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • August 20-23, 2013 (invited conference, with Radu Ion, and Ştefan Daniel Dumitrescu) Wiki-Translator: Multilingual Experiments for In-Domain Translations, International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems (IIS 2013), Chisinau, Moldova
  • May 16-17, 2013 (invited conference, with Tiberiu Boroş, Ştefan Dumitrescu, Radu Ion, and Dan Ştefănescu) Romanian-English Statistical Translation at RACAI, 9th International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing of the Romanian Language” (ConsILR 2013), Miclăuşeni, Romania
  • September 26, 2012 (invited conference) Tehnologia Limbajului în perspective Europei multilinguale a anului 2020,  Academia Română
  • October 31, 2011(invited conference)  A multi-factored and multi-view perspective on words’ connotations, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
  • October 25, 2011 (invited conference) Analysis and Evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under-Resourced Areas of Machine Translation, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
  • September 13-14, 2011 (invited conference) Natural Language Question Answering in Open Domains, International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (IIS 2011), Chisinau, Moldova
  • May 18-21, 2011 (invited conference, with Dan Ştefănescu) An Osgoodian Perspective on WordNet, 6th International Conference on Speech and Human-Computer Dialogue (SPED 2011), Braşov, Romania
  • May 14-15, 2010 (invited conference) Multi-factor Lexical Mark-up of Connotation in a WordNet Lexical Ontology, Categorizing Human Experience: Classification in Languages and Knowledge Systems, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France
  • January 18, 2010 (invited conference) A differential semantics method for annotating the WordNet synsets, Max Plank Institute, Neijmegen, The Netherlands
  • October 15, 2009 (invited conference) Going Beyond Word-form Factored Statistical Machine Translation, Institute of Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • June 18-21, 2009 (invited conference, with Alexandru Ceauşu) Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation, 5th International Conference on Speech and Human-Computer Dialogue (SPED 2009), Constanţa, Romania
  • March 16-19, 2009 (vicepresident) Annual meeting of the CLARIN Scientific Board, (member) Annual meetings of the CLARIN Strategic Coordination and Executive Boards, Oxford, UK
  • February 11-14, 2009 (invited conference) Going for a Hunt? Don’t Forget the Bullets!, FLaReNet Launching Event: The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe, Vienna, Austria
  • July 10-12, 2008 (invited talk) Paradigmatic Morphology and Subjectivity Mark-up in the RO-WordNet Lexical Ontology, European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (ECIT 2008), Iasi, Romania
  • May 15-17, 2008 (invited talk) Mind Your Words! You Might Convey What You Wouldn’t Like To, Exploratory Workshop on NL-Computation: From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence, Felix Spa, Romania
  • February 29, 2008 (invited talk) Sisteme de întrebare-răspuns în limbaj natural pentru spaţii de căutare deschise, Seminar Internaţional Instrumente pentru asistarea traducerii, Academia Română, Bucureşti
  • September 15-27, 2007 (tutorial) Exploiting Multilinguality in Developing Training Data for Statistics-Based NLP, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Language Engineering for Low- and Middle-Density Languages, Batumi, Georgia
  • September 10, 2007 Tehnologii lingvistice pentru limba română, Tehnologiile lingvistice, prioritate a prezentului şi necesitate a viitorului: contribuţii, direcţii de acţiune şi proiecte româneşti, Academia Română, Bucureşti
  • July 23 – August 3, 2007 (tutorial with Radu Ion) Cross lingual and cross cultural textual encoding of opinions and sentiments, EUROLAN 2007 Summer School on NLP & HLT: Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text, Iasi, Romania
  • April 20, 2007 (invited talk) Multilingual Technologies and Required Linguistic Resources to Support Mini-Minority Languages, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  • October 18-20, 2006 (invited talk) Cross-Lingual Knowledge Induction from Parallel Corpora, Fifth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • October 14, 2006 (invited talk) An Outlook of the Ongoing Projects at RACAI, LT4eL general project meeting, Karol University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • September 20, 2006 (invited talk) Recent advances in language technology in Romania: a view form the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy, CNRS Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale (LIF) Marseille, France
  • June 7-9, 2006 (invited talk) Word Senses: The Stepping Stones in Semantic-Based Natural Language Processing, IFIP Section on Semantics in Multimedia Analysis and Natural Language Processing, Athens, Greece
  • June 1-3, 2006 (invited talk) Robust statistical translation models: The case for word alignment, International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control , Felix Spa, Romania
  • May 27, 2006 (invited talk) Tagset Design for High Accuracy POS Tagging and Automatically Building Mappings between Arbitrary Tagsets, LREC 2006 workshop on Annotation Science: State of the Art in Enhancing Automatic Linguistic Annotation, Genoa, Italy
  • April 3, 2006 (invited talk) Cross-lingual and cross-corpora knowledge induction: RACAI experience, EACL 2006 workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction, Trento, Italy
  • November 3, 2005 (lucrare invitată, cu Alexandru Ceauşu, Dan Ştefănescu) Resurse şi instrumente lingvistice dezvoltate la ICIA, ConsILR-2005 – Atelier internaţional Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, Romania
  • October 24-27, 2005 (invited talk) Reifying the Alignments, AZBUKY-Net International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • September 26-27, 2005 (invited talk, with Radu Ion, Verginica Barbu Mititelu) Word sense disambiguation and annotation transfer in parallel text, JRC Enlargement and Integration Workshop: Exploiting parallel corpora in up to 20 languages, Arona, Italy
  • September 26-27, 2005 (invited talk, with Alexandru Ceauşu, Radu Ion, Dan Ştefănescu) An integrated platform for high-accuracy word alignment, JRC Enlargement and Integration Workshop: Exploiting parallel corpora in up to 20 languages, Arona, Italy
  • July 25 – August 6, 2005 (tutorial with Nancy Ide) Word Senses and Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation, EUROLAN 2005 Summer School on NLP & HLT: The Multilingual Web: Resources, Technologies, and Prospects, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • June 1-2, 2005 (invited talk) Ontologies and Reified Alignments, KnowledgeWeb Workshop on Heterogeneity, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • 17 noiembrie, 2004 (lucrare invitată) Traducerea termenilor în corpusuri paralele: extragerea automată şi verificarea consistenţei traducerilor, Al 3-lea Colocviu Naţional de Terminologie, Terminografie, Terminotică (3T), Bucureşti
  • November 5, 2004 (invited talk) Term Mining in Parallel Corpora, Leeds University, UK
  • November 4, 2004 (invited talk) Word sense disambiguation in parallel corpora using aligned wordnets, Sheffield University, UK
  • 23-24 septembrie, 2004 (lucrare invitată) BalkaNet: ontologie lexicală multilingvă, Prima Conferinţă Naţională de Interacţiune Om-Calculator (ROCHI 2004), Bucureşti
  • august, 2004 (lucrare invitată) Câteva probleme actuale ale prelucrării limbajului natural- modele şi soluţii pentru limba română, Conferinţa Societăţii de Matematică din Republica Moldova, Chişinău, Moldova
  • 6 iulie, 2004 (lucrare invitată) Multilingvism şi Tehnologia Informaţiei: Premise ale educaţiei şi culturii în secolul XXI, Fundaţia Română pentru Ştiinţă şi Cultură, Bucureşti
  • May 12-15, 2004 (invited talk) Aligning multilingual lexical ontologies, KnowledgeWeb General Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • May 4, 2004 (invited talk) Automatic morpho-syntactic disambiguation: following the good practices, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
  • January 20-23, 2004 (invited talk) BALKANET – A General Overview, 2nd Global WordNet Conference, Brno, Czech Republic
  • December 3-6, 2003 (invited talk) Integration of Knowledge, Infrastructures and Resources, CHiME network of excellence set-up meeting, Florence, Italy
  • June 25-25, 2003 (invited talk) High Performance Word-Alignment Algorithms, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • April 12, 2003 (tutorial, with Nancy Ide and Adam Kilgarriff) Word senses, disambiguation and parallel corpora, EACL 2003 – 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary
  • March 6-7, 2003 (invited talk) Term Discovery in a Multilingual Corpus, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • February 2-4, 2003 (invited talk) The TRANSEQ model, Xerox Research Europe, Grenoble, France
  • November 23-27, 2002 (invited talk) Building a Romanian Wordnet; problems, solutions and prospects, Seminar fur Sprachwissenschaft Abt. Computerlinguistik, Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen, Germany
  • November 23-27, 2002 (invited talk) Reconciling data sparseness and precision in using large tagsets for morpho-lexical disambiguation, Seminar fur Sprachwissenschaft Abt. Computerlinguistik, Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen, Germany
  • July 30 – August 11, 2001 (tutorial) Corpus Based Lexical Knowledge Acquisition, EUROLAN 2001 Summer School on NLP & HLT: Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources, Iasi, Romania
  • March 21, 2001 (invited talk) Automatic Extraction of Bilingual Lexicons from Parallel Corpora, Luis Pasteur University Strasbourg, France
  • March 15, 2001 (invited talk) How Hard is Machine Translation? A New Approach to an Old Problem, UNESCO Paris, France
  • February 14, 2001 (invited talk) Automatic Extraction of Multilingual Lexicons from Parallel Corpora, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • November 24, 2000 (invited talk) Statistical Methods in Morpho-Syntactic Tagging; Combining Language Classifiers, Potsdam University, Poland
  • November 23, 2000 (invited talk) Corpus-Based Multilingual Lexicography, AI-LAB Agentscape, Berlin, Germany
  • November 17, 2000 (invited talk) Statistical lexical knowledge extraction from parallel corpora, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
  • June 2-4, 2000 (tutorial) Experience in Accurate Tagging Using Large Tagsets, NLP 2000 – 2nd International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Patras University, Greece
  • May, 2000 (invited talk) Frequency based selection of head-words in explanatory dictionaries, CONCEDE Project Meeting, Athens, Greece
  • April 14, 2000 (invited talk) Modelarea lingvistică învinge algoritmul, Academia de Ştiinţe Economice Chişinău, Moldova
  • March 12, 2000 (invited talk) Experiments in lexical alignment of French-Romanian parallel texts, LIMSI-Université Paris Sud, France
  • March 11, 2000 (invited talk) Tiered Tagging and Combined Classifiers, Université Paris 7, France
  • February 22, 2000 (invited talk) Inductive desing of ”optimal” tagsets, Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapesta, Hungary
  • December 1999 (invited talk) Converting a Dictionary from TEI2 dictionary into CONCEDE format, Vassar University College, USA
  • December 1999 (invited talk) Computational Lexicographic Projects at RACAI, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • November 1999 (invited talk) High accuracy morpho-syntactic tagging with a large tagset, New Mexico State University, USA
  • November 1999 (invited talk) Fine-grained and high accuracy morpho-syntactic disambiguation of arbitrary natural language texts, George Mason University, USA
  • November 1999 (invited talk) High accuracy morpho-syntactic tagging with a large tagset, Southern Methodist University of Dallas, USA
  • November 1999 (invited talk) Accurate morpho-syntactic tagging using large tagsets, UMIACS Computational Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, USA
  • July 19-31, 1999 (tutorial) Printed dictionaries, from lexical databases to lexical ontologies, EUROLAN 1999 Summer School on NLP & HLT: Lexical Semantics and Multilinguality, Iasi, Romania
  • iulie 1999 (lucrare invitată) Lingvistica corpusului: lingvistica evidenţei, Secţia de Ştiinţa şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Academia Română, Bucureşti
  • June 1999 (invited talk) TT-CLAM: Why should one loose information when not necessary?, Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapesta, Hungary
  • November 1998 (invited talk) LINGUASTAT-Corpora Processing Platform, Information Society Technology Conference and Exhibition – IST’98, Vienna, Austria
  • November 1998 (invited talk) EGLU – Generalized Environment for Unification Based Linguistics, Information Society Technology Conference and Exhibition – IST’98, Vienna, Austria
  • November 1998 (invited talk) PAIL – Portable AI Laboratory, Information Society Technology Conference and Exhibition – IST’98, Vienna, Austria
  • June 1, 1998 (invited panelist) Language Technology in Romania, Panel Discussion on International Cooperation in Language Technology, organized by European Commission DGXIII, Granada, Spain
  • July 1997 (lucrare invitată) Tehnologia limbajului premisă a informatizării globale, Al doilea Seminar al Comisiei Europene ”Limbaj şi Tehnologie”, Tuşnad, Romania
  • July 13-26, 1997 (tutorial) Corpus-based morpho-syntactic processing in a multilingual environment, EUROLAN 1997 Summer School on NLP & HLT: Corpus Linguistics, Tusnad, Romania
  • September 1995 (invited demo) GULiveR: A Generalized Unification LR Parser, TELRI Conference, Tihany, Hungary
  • September 1995 (invited demo) KRILL: A Knowledge Representation Interface to an Interlingual Natural Language Generator, TELRI Conference, Tihany, Hungary
  • September 1995 (invited demo) Unification-Based Implementation of a Wide Coverage Romanian Morphology, TELRI Conference, Tihany, Hungary
  • September 1995 (invited demo) Parsing Portable Laboratory, TELRI Conference, Tihany, Hungary
  • July 19-29, 1993 (tutorial) Abduction as a unification process for understanding and generating language, and for machine translation, EUROLAN 1993 Summer School on NLP & HLT: Natural Language Processing and Logic Programming, Iasi, Romania

Former and current PhD students (Domain: Computer Science)

  • Radu Ion (successfully defended Magna cum Laudae in 2007): Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation Techniques. Applications for Romanian and English
  • Alexandru Ceauşu (successfully defended Cum Laudae in May 2009): Machine Translation Techniques and Their Applicability to Romanian as a Source Language
  • Elena Irimia (successfully defended in May 2009): Example-Based Machine Translation Methods. Applications for English and Romanian
  • Dan Ştefănescu (successfully defended Magna cum Laudae in February 2010): Intelligent Information Mining from Multilingual Corpora
  • Nadia Luiza Huţuliac (successfully defended in December 2010): Naturalness of Artificial Language – Applications on Verbal Group Automatic Translation
  • Corina Forăscu (successfully defended in November 2011): Natural Language Processing Using Discourse Analysis. Applications for Romanian and English
  • Tiberiu Boroş (successfully defended Summa cum Laudae in 2014): Contribuţii la modelarea şi implementarea sistemelor de sinteză a vorbirii. Studiu de caz: limba română
  • Iuliana Dobre (Aldescu) (successfully defended in 2014): Contribuţii la elaborarea unui sistem de e-learning utilizând tehnologii de prelucrare a limbajului natural
  • Vasile Păiș (successfully defended in December 2019): Contributions to semantic processing of texts; Identification of entities and relations between textual units; Case study on Romanian language
  • Maria Carp (Mitrofan) (cotutela cu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila” din Bucureşti, Şcoala de Studii Doctorale successfully defended in December 2019): Extragere de cunoştinţe din texte în limba română şi date structurate cu aplicaţii în domeniul medical

Membership in PhD awarding committees

  • December 2019 (as PhD advisor): thesis Contributions to semantic processing of texts; Identification of entities and relations between textual units; Case study on Romanian language of Vasile Păiș, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • December 2019 (as PhD advisor): thesis Extragere de cunoştinţe din texte în limba română şi date structurate cu aplicaţii în domeniul medical of Maria Carp (Mitrofan), Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • December 2014: thesis Resurse lingvistice pentru prelucrarea limbajului natural of Augusto Cenel PEREZ, Faculty of Letters & Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • July 2014 (as PhD advisor): thesis Contribuţii la elaborarea unui sistem de e-learning utilizând tehnologii de prelucrare a limbajului natural of Iuliana Dobre (Aldescu), Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • July 2014 (as PhD advisor): thesis Contribuţii la modelarea şi implementarea sistemelor de sinteză a vorbirii. Studiu de caz: limba română of Tiberiu Boroş, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • June 2014: thesis La traduction automatique statistique factorisée : une application à la paire de langues français – roumain of Elena-Mirabela Laporte (Navlea), Université de Strasbourg
  • November 2013: thesis Parsarea limbajului natural bazată pe strategia şi teoria lingvistică Segmentare-Coeziune-Dependenţă of †Neculai Curteanu (Institute for Computer Science Romanian Academy IASI Branch) at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • November 2011 (as PhD advisor): thesis Natural Language Processing Using Discourse Analysis. Applications for Romanian and English of Corina Forăscu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest & Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • September 2011: thesis Predication Driven Textual Entailment of Alexandru Mihai Moruz, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • June 2011: thesis Methods and Resources for Sentiment Analysis in Multilingual Documents of Different Text Types of Alexandra Balahur, University of Alicante, Spain
  • March 2011: thesis Automated Processing of Natural Language of Ionuţ Pistol, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • December 2010 (as PhD advisor): thesis Naturaleţea limbajului artificial – studiu despre traducerea automată a grupului verbal of Nadia Luiza (Huţuliac) Dincă, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • December 2010: thesis Interfeţe avansate pentru sisteme suport pentru decizii of Ana Maria Suduc, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • December 2010: thesis Sisteme suport pentru decizii bazate pe comunicaţii of Mihai Bîzoi, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • March 2010: thesis Natural Language Processing Using Semantic Frames of Diana Trandabăţ, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • February 2010 (as PhD advisor): thesis Intelligent Information Mining from Multilingual Corpora of Dan Ştefănescu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • December 2009: thesis Unităţile frazeologice. Abordare contrastivă franco- română. Aplicaţii pe corpus paralel of Maria Husarciuc, Faculty of Letters, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • June 2009: thesis Improving Statistical Alignment and Translation Using Highly Multilingual Corpora of Camelia Ignat, Université de Strasbourg
  • May 2009 (as PhD advisor): thesis Tehnici de traducere automată şi aplicabilitatea lor limbii române ca limbă sursă of Alexandru Ceauşu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • May 2009 (as PhD advisor): thesis Metode de traducere automată prin analogie. Aplicaţii pentru limbile română şi engleză of Elena Irimia, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • March 2009: thesis Textual Entailment of Adrian Iftene, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • November 2008: thesis Formalisation des contraintes pragmatiques pour la génération des énoncés en dialogue homme-machine à plusieurs locuteurs of Vladimir Popescu, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, France
  • November 2008: thesis Analiza unor sisteme neliniare cu aplicaţii în prelucrarea semnalelor of Vasile Apopei, Institute for Computer Science, Romanian Academy, Iasi branch, Romania
  • September 2008: thesis Ontology-Based Modeling and Recommendation Techniques for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems of Mihaela Brut, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • October 2007: ”Très honorable” thesis Analyse syntaxique automatique du roumain of Ioana Milutinovici, Département de Linguistique, Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • May 2007 (as PhD advisor): ”Magna Cum Laudae” thesis Metode de dezambiguizare semantică automată. Aplicaţii pentru limbile engleză şi română of Radu Ion, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • February 2007: ”Doctor Habilitat of Informatics” thesis Interfeţe inteligente pentru sisteme de calcul simbolic of Svetlana Cojocaru, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • August 2006: thesis Studies in Semantic Analysis of Text for Keyphrase Extraction of Srinivas Medimi, Faculty of Computer Science, Mumbai Institute of Technology, India
  • October 2005: thesis Tehnici avansate de interogare şi extragere de informaţii din colecţii mari de documente of Luminiţa Chiran, Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
  • April 2004: thesis Apprentissage de grammaires catégorielles pour simuler l’acquisition du langage naturel à l’aide d’informations sémantiques of Daniela Dudău Sofronie, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France
  • October 2003: thesis Contributions in the Development of Informatics Systems based on Distributed Collaboration of Cristina Niculescu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
  • December 2002: thesis Contribuţii la descrierea gramaticii limbii române literare asistată de calculator of Ana-Maria Barbu, University of Craiova, Romania
  • May 2002: thesis Estetica imaginii video-digitale of Marilena Preda Sânc, National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
  • February 2001: thesis Influenţa limbii engleze asupra limbii române în terminologia informaticii of Radu-Nicolae Trif, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • January 2001: thesis Semantic indexing for document retrieval systems of Amalia Todiraşcu, Institute for Computer Science, Romanian Academy, Iasi branch, Romania
  • May 2000: thesis Contribuţii privind descrierea limbii române scrise ca sursă de informaţie of Adrian Mitrea, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
  • April 1999: thesis Prelucrarea specificaţiilor formale cu aplicaţie în proiectarea asistată a programelor of Lorina Negreanu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
  • 1995: thesis O arhitectură şi teorie unitară pentru reprezentarea cunoaşterii şi inferenţe în Inteligenţa Artificială of Liviu Badea, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
  • 1994: thesis Probleme de interogare în limbaj natural a bazelor de date of Dan Cristea, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
