Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligență Artificială "Mihai Drăgănescu", Academia Română

Dr. Elena IRIMIA

Cercetător Științific III

General info

About scientific titleseducationexperienceresearchorganizatoric activitieslanguages

Scientific titles

PhD in Computer Science, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy


  • 2009: PhD in Computer Science, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania with the thesis: Methods for Machine Translation based on Analogy. Applications for English and Romanian, Coordinator: Prof.Dr. C.M. of Romanian Academy Dan Tufiş
  • 2002-2003, Faculty of Letters, Bucharest University, Romania, M.Sc. in Theoretic Linguistics, dissertation: Marcus Contextual Grammars  Application in Linguistics.
  • 1997-2001, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Informatics, Bucharest University, Romania  B.Sc. thesis: Sorting Algorithms

Work experience

  • October 2003 – now, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania – Research Assistant, Researcher, Senior Researcher (successively), member of the Natural Language Processing Group.
  • December 2000 – April 2002, The Financial Office of the University of Bucharest, informatician (creating/maintaining an Acces database for financial record)


  • English (W, R, S – fluent)
  • French (W, R, S – medium)
  • Spanish (W, R, S – medium)


Research interests | International & National Research Projects

Research interests
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Translation
  • Language Technologies
  • Machine Learning
  • Knowledge Representation

International research projects

Past projects

  • META-NET – Multilingual Europe: a Technology Alliance (FP7, 249119 – Network of Excellence)
    • coordinator: DFKI, Germany
    • duration: Feb. 2010 – Jan. 2013
  • METANET4U – Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure (CIP-ICT-PSP.2010.6.1, 270893)
    • coordinator: University of Lisbon, Portugal
    • duration: Feb. 2011 – Jan. 2013
  • Multilingual Web – Advancing the Multilingual Web (ICT PSP No. 250500)
    • coordinator: ERCIM/W3C, France
    • duration: April 2010 – March 2012
  • ACCURAT – Analysis and evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under Resourced Areas of Machine Translation (FP7, 248347)
    • coordinator: Tilde SIA, Riga, Latvia
    • duration: 2010 – 2012
  • CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, 2008 – 2011

National research projects

Past projects

  • ACCURAT-RO – Analiza şi evaluarea corpusurilor comparabile pentru domenii ale Traducerii Automate cu mai puţine resurse (PN2, Capacităţi), coordinator: Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2010 – 2012
  • STAR – A System for Machine Translation for Romanian (PN2, Idei) 2009 – 2011
  • CLARIN-RO – Infrastructură pentru resurse lingvistice interoperabile pentru limba română (PN2, Capacităţi) 2009 – 2011
  • eDTLR – The Romanian Thesaurus Dictionary in electronic form (PN2, D91013/18.09.2007) 2007 – 2010
  • SIR-RESDEC – Open Domain Question Answering System for Romanian and English (PN2, D11007/18.09.2007) 2007 – 2010
  • ROTEL – Intelligent systems for the Semantic Web, based on logics, ontologies and language technologies (CEEX 29) 2005 – 2008



2013 |2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |2007 | 2006
